Lost One | Teen Ink

Lost One

June 7, 2015
By aspentee911 BRONZE, CORONADO, California
aspentee911 BRONZE, CORONADO, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Confused, she woke up in a moldy smelling, pitch black room. Thoughts coursed through her mind, unsure if they were spoken aloud or not, the darkness drove her mad. Where am I? Who am I? What am I doing here? Why is it so dark and why am I alone? As she questioned her current situation the darkness seemed to envelope her. Panic started to kick in as she searched for an exit. Her hands grasped at anything and everything in arm's reach. The object she found herself wake upon was covered in this itchy and scratchy cloth like thing, under the cloth she felt what seemed to be broken springs. Getting off the unknown object she slowly grabbed at the darkness where she found nothing and fell to the cold hard floor. With a loud clunk her dizzy and weak body hit the cold cement floor. Leaving the pain in the back of her head to worry about later, she quickly got to her feet. As she was about to give into the madness of the darkness she found a glimmer of hope. Like a moth attracted to a lamp, she scurried to the tiniest beam of light. Like a blind man she bumped into anything in her path. As she hit her shin on a sharp edge of a cold metal object she winced in pain but, kept going. Clumsily, she finally reached the origin of the light. It was a small crack in what seemed to be a sealed door. She felt her way back to the sharp object again and picked it up. As soon as she picked it up she sliced her finger dropping it to the ground with a loud clatter. Scaring herself she covered her ears, scared that some beast would pop out of nowhere. Once, calm , she bent down cautiously to feel at the sharp object. It was hard and metal like, but something was off. As she rubbed it back and forth she realized that there was a warm, thick, liquid substance on it. Taking a moment to realize it was her own blood she covered her mouth in disgust and fright from the knowledge.

After a long moment of hesitance, she clutched the handle, of what had to some kind of knife. Heading towards the light, her eyes started to adjust a little. Once reaching the light’s origin, without warning, her body began to move on its own. Almost out of desperation, she hacked and hacked at the small hole. Little by little, light poured into the small dark room. Determined to escape the small room, her body took over. Unable to stop and wipe the sweat off her face, until there was a hole big enough to get out of the tightly sealed door. Once she finished her body was dripping with sweat and sawdust. She was a mess, panting and gasping for breath. Turning around she could finally get a good look of the room she was trapped in. The room was practically empty and almost made her wish she couldn’t see. What laid in the small room were rusty old walls; an old moldy bed that had a few spring popping out of their place; reddish-brown stains smeared and splattered all over the place. The rotten smell seemed to just hit her like, a wave crashing down on her, as soon as she saw a stack of odd tools covered in nasty stains. The objects looked like a mix of dentist tools and what would seem to be torture instruments. The girl had a sudden burst of disgust and sickness explode in her as she gagged in an empty corner. As she was wiping her mouth she finally noticed her sliced shin. Blood seemed to flow out in a never ending stream. Her eyes went wide in panic as she struggled to think straight. Taking in a long breath of air, her nerves calmed down. Her madness and worries washed away with every breath of hot air. Her mind was now calm and collected as she ripped a piece of cloth off her white-ish yellow shirt and tied the open gash closed. The bleeding stained the off white cloth deep red. As she searched the room for any possible supplies she grabbed the knife and slid it in her boot sock.

Walking out of the hole, she had created, she was lead into a dimly lit hallway. The hallway was dark and quiet. Tripping on the wood sticking up, she fell onto the hallway floor. It was cold and damp, she could smell the slightest faint of mold and wet stone. There was also a stale smell of blood. Picking herself back up she looked around. A gust of wind moaned its way down the hallway in an ominous tone. As it brushed her ear it felt as if something was breathing down her back. Suddenly, a shiver crawled its way up her spine. Too scared to look she stood frozen from shock, unable move. Like a deer in headlights, she stood still confused and defenseless, unable to process anything. Hearing the sound of footsteps make their way towards her. The girl’s body stiffened with every heavy and omniscient step. Hearing what seemed to be words coming from behind her, she held her breath to listen.

“Where…...Do…You……Think…You…….are…….Going?” The voice was long and breathy; whatever it came from sounded exhausted. It was dark and sullen, but had a hint of madness and blood lust. Her whole body was prickling from fear, as if warning her to run. The things heavy, but quiet steps grew louder. As they grew closer her body grew more and more stiff. The sound of dragging feet closed in on her.  The dark figure suddenly started to laugh. The voice was animalistic, cracked and distorted; it didn’t even sound human. Panic kicked in and took over her shock. The figure was now two feet behind her, she could hear its heavy breath; it was off beat with her own panting. Little later than prefered, she began sprinting or at least that was the plan. Before she could even take one step, the figure grabbed her arm tightly. Leaning forward the beast smiled in a malevolent way. “I’ve got you.” The voice was much more distinct, it had so much hostility in its tone, the girl cringed. The creature’s breath smelt like death, it took every ounce of willpower to stay conscience.

The girl spoke, her voice was shaky and full of fear. Tears began to swell up in her eyes, “p-please I beg of you. Let me go!” She grew more frantic and wailed around till she finally broke free. Without hesitation she bolted away, tears and sweat dripping down her face. Turning a corner, that seemed to take forever to appear, she ran right into something. Stepping two steps back she realized it was the dark figure again. Shaking her head desperately, she repeated to herself over and over, “no no no no no no no!!” With every no she grew louder until her legs gave up on her and she fell to the ground with a blank expression. Her dry tears left stains on her face.

The beast lowered itself, “what’s wrong?” The huge, horrid smile appeared again, revealing a foul and repulsive stench. With only a candle light’s worth of visibility, she could see two rows of long, jagged, razor sharp teeth. There was a quick jerk forward from the horrid figure and then………. it went black. She woke up to a pure white light, she almost thought she was dead until her eyes focused and she realized she was in a bedroom. Everything was clean and neatly put away.

“That was a terrible dream” she said warily, as she shook her head to wake herself up. Looking around she scratched her head and wondered to herself, “that was a dream, right?” She looked down and noticed and bruise mark on her arm. The bruise was large and purple, when taking a closer examination of her wound she noticed something horrid. Scratched into her skin read, “GOOD NIGHT LOST ONE.”

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