The Man | Teen Ink

The Man

June 2, 2015
By BoopBopZoopityZop BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
BoopBopZoopityZop BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stage is split in half. Left stage has 911 operator at a desk with headset on in front of computer. While the right stage has Kelly walking around with cell phone near a closet and window

911 Operator: 911 What’s your emergency?

Kelly: Could you send some help, someone has been walking around my house and they won’t seem to stop.

911 Operator: Alright ma’am what’s your address?

Kelly: 123 Sesame St Compton California

911 Operator: Ok a squad car will be there momentarily, can you identify the person?

Kelly: Well, I… I.. haven’t really gotten a good look at this person yet. It’s too dark.

911 Operator: Can you describe how they look?

Kelly: Tall, lanky, and I believe a male.

911 Operator: Ok thanks a squad car will be there in 3 minutes. Please keep an eye on this person until an officer arrives

Kelly: Oh god…. he’s..

911 Operator: he’s what?

Kelly: He’s staring back at me.

911 Operator: Can you describe for me what his face looks like

Kelly: He has Pale-ish gray skin, with huge bright white teeth. He’s…. smiling at me

911 Operator: What’s he wearing?

Kelly: All black…. Oh god he’s walking towards the window!

911 Operator: Do you have a place in your house to hide

Kelly: My closet

911 Operator: Ok head in there and lock the door

Kelly: (Loud running footstep noises accompanied by a door creaking) Ok I am in the closet (Door slams behind her)

911 Operator:  Ok now stay quiet Kelly, the police will be there shortly. Now we are going to play a game. I will ask you some questions, and I am going to need you to tap on your phone once for no and twice for yes.

Kelly. Alright

911 Operator: Has the man entered the house?

Kelly: (tap)

911 Operator: Did he have a weapon?

Kelly: (tap) …… *smash - window shatter*

911 Operator: What was that? Did he just come in the house?

Kelly: (tap tap)

911 Operator: Ok stay calm. Can you see him through the bottom of the door

Kelly: (Pause) *Loud Footsteps* (tap tap)

911 Operator: Is he coming towards the closet?

Kelly: (tap tap)

911 Operator: The police will be there soon, hold on!

Kelly: *Door creeks* …… AHHHHHHH *screams*

911 Operator: Hello? Kelly are you there? Hello?

Kelly: *Slam* (Door slams shut)

Stage goes black

The author's comments:

Inspired by creepy 911 calls

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