Severe Insomnia | Teen Ink

Severe Insomnia

May 26, 2015
By deonna BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
deonna BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"love is like the wind. you cant see it, but u can feeeeel it."

Today marks the 5th day I haven’t been able to sleep. When I say “sleep” I mean torturous days and nights without getting a wink of rest. I can’t even think straight without the thoughts of how nice it would be to get a full night’s rest under the dark starry sky cuddling with my husband. Night after night I sit upright in this useless bed feeling the heat radiate off him onto me. What could be wrong with me? That’s the question I can’t answer.

“I want it to end. I want it to end. I just want to sleep!” I yelp out as if my emotions and frustrations have been bottled up inside me.
I hear nothing but the faint sound of my husband sleeping. It’s 3 am and I realize I have to be at work in 4 hours. Something in my thoughts scan over a solution that just might help me fall asleep only if I tend to it right now. My body starts moving and I don’t know how I mustered up the energy to get myself dressed and walk out the front door of my apartment to get into my car.
Sleep pills sounds more and more intriguing as I scan down the aisles in the convenient store. My mind and body craves the idea of sleeping even though I have to work in the matter of hours. I still can’t pinpoint the feeling that has come over me.
I am home finally with the pills in my hands and a glass of water in my other. I take the directed amount it says on the box. Suddenly I want to take more and I end up swallowing too many to count.
An hour has passed already and I don’t seem to be getting tired yet. But as I’m wondering why I’m not passed out in bed, another unexplainable event began to happen. I see other presences in the room but I’m not questioning why they’re here with me. Night is now day but it’s the middle of the night. The room is huge and I am so small. My furniture is one giant piece of furniture. Everything that is occurring right now is normal to me. I feel trapped in my own head like a hamster in a ball. I hear sounds coming from all directions and it feels like I have sonic hearing. I’m trying to speak out and say something but nothing is coming out. I see a dark shadow approaching me as I’m going in and out of reality.
I’m standing up now and walking but I forgot how I got here. I don’t know where I could be but I feel tired now more than ever. I sit down on something I can’t remember the name for. My mind won’t let me remember things or comprehend thoughts. I start over in my mind after I forget what I was thinking about. The most occurring thought in my head is the word “sleep”. The more I think about sleep the more I want to sleep. I rest my head. Now everything is black.
Cautiously, I feel myself moving but my vision is so blurry, that figures are swirling around and merging onto themselves. The next thing I know I feel my stomach drop and pain in my legs. 
I wake up to people surrounding me and I can’t quite make out what everyone is saying. I feel like I’m in a never ending dream….
Minutes later…
Finally I can make some sense out of what is happening around me. I see a middle aged looking man hovering over me asking if I am okay and if I need to go to the hospital. I self cautiously hear:
“She walked straight off the platform and into the train tracks out of nowhere!”
“I fell asleep on the bench and may have started sleepwalking. Is my husband here? I’m scared and I want to see my husband.” I explained to the man as clear as I could manage.
“Were calling him right now ma’am. Hold tight.”

The author's comments:

An episode of "House" inspired me to write this story with a real-life article incorporated into the end. 

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