Halloween of Surprises | Teen Ink

Halloween of Surprises

May 27, 2015
By jtslam BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
jtslam BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a dark and freezing night on Halloween. To make the night even more weird there was a Blood moon in the sky. My parents said, “You are too old to go trick or treating.”
But I went with a group of my buddies anyway. There was Josh, who was dressed as a Mummy; Andy, who was dressed as Frankenstein; Oliver, who was dress as Dracula; and me, I was dressed as a Werewolf. So with our pillow cases in hand we were off, hoping to completely fill them with candy.
We started walking up to our first house on our road to candy heaven. We knocked on the old wooden door, the door looked like it was fifty years old. An old lady (who we thought was in a gypsy costume) answered the door. We all immediately said trick or treat.
But the old lady hesitated for a second and said, “I don’t have any candy, I am sorry.”
Josh looked at her with disapproval and said, “Well thanks a lot, you old hag.” She looked at him and spoke in some foreign language.
She then said, “You four are all cursed”, and slammed the door in our faces. As we started walking to the next house, we walked ahead of Josh because we were mad at him for what he said to the old lady. 
After about fifteen minutes, we thought he had been punished enough. So we turned around to tell him to catch up to us, but he was gone. We started freaking out asking each other if one of us knew where he was.
I shouted out, “Quit messing with us Josh”, but no one responded.
  I quickly got my phone out and dialed his number. Suddenly we heard it ringing, it was faint but still audible. We started to follow the noise, but it seemed like it kept getting further away. Then the ringing stopped because the cell service went out, so we ran to where we heard it last. We all looked away in disbelief, there lying on the ground was his phone with blood on it and there was blood around it on the ground. We looked around and found some of his gauze from his mummy costume, it was also bloody. We all tried to call someone anyone but it seemed like all of a sudden our phones weren’t working.
So I started running toward the way we came into the forest. I didn’t look back I kept running and running, not stopping. I was so scared about what might have happened to Josh.
I finally got to a stopping point from running, I turned around and “asked are you guys okay?”
But I didn’t hear a response. I opened my eyes and there was no one there. I wondered where Andy and Oliver were. I climbed up the tree I was hiding next to. I looked around, but it was no use because it was so dark out. I paused looking for a second, to take in everything that was going on. Suddenly I heard some branches moving above me, I looked up and there stood a hairy beast with razor sharp claws. Immediately it jumped down at me and SLASH!
The beast had just chopped off the branch I was standing on and missed me by inches. I jumped out of the tree in fear. Then suddenly two more of the same beast appeared in front of me. I was out of places to run. They then started running at me, as soon they got within two feet of me I sent a huge kick towards one of them. It fell to the ground in pain.
It screamed, “Owe! You idiot.” How dare you kick me in the ribs? The voice sounded familiar. Then I realized it was just my dumb older brother Patrick. “
“Patrick where are my friends?” I asked.
“They are at home I scared them so badly.” he said.
“Why would you do that to me?” I demanded.
“It was only a joke, I am sorry. Let me make it up to you.” he replied.
“It is okay, Will you get pizza for us?” I asked.
“Yes of course. I am hungry from chasing you guys around.”
We both laughed and started heading home but that just shows you that family will always love each other and that family is what matters.

The author's comments:

I really liked the end outcome of this piece. At first I didn't think it was gonna be too good.

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