Tragedy in space mountain | Teen Ink

Tragedy in space mountain

May 20, 2015
By Anonymous

"10/23/88 Tragedy in space mountain, three dead. Space mountain to be closed down until whatever went wrong is fixed".
"That's such a shame.", John thought to himself.
The sun-kissed sky faded away, and the dark moonlit sky faded inwards. John sat back in his chair and crossed his leg. John lived in Orlando, And he was a federal detective. He was an annual visitor to Disney.
"I hope it's opened by the time I  get there, after all, it's my favorite ride." He chuckled to himself.

The month was January.

The fuzzy outline of the ceiling became more visible as John's eyes focused after a long nights sleep.
"Time for the trip." John said to himself. He got up and grabbed his suitcase and was headed for his favorite place.

"Magic Kingdom" , the sign read, as the public bus passed by it. John was so excited, he finally got a week off. He was looking forward to riding Space Mountain , ever since being a teenager he would ride Space Mountain every time he would be in Disney.

So many people, John thought to himself. The beautiful yellow sun was shining bright. A bead of sweat rolled down his face as a ball of snow rolls down a hill.

Space mountain, John walked by dissatisfied as he read the closed sign.
John was saddened but not deterred. He went to Epcot, Animal Kingdom, And Universal.
Disney was closing and he was walking back through Magic Kingdom to get back to the bus. But something was off about the awesome castle that the space mountain ride was stored in. The door was wide open to the employees station inside of the colossal castle. Being fascinated with this temptation, John succumbed and walked into the deeply dark room.
Huge machines, giant pipes leading to the unknown world of the deep dark castle. John moved closer to the large opening at the end of the room that seemed to go on forever into the darkness. Stepping onto the ladder which led up the the tracks. The lights which resembled the stars were randomly all over the huge black landscape that was to resemble space.
Walking along the huge tracks that seemed to wind endlessly like a small stream. John was fascinated with how this colossal beast of a roller coaster could function over and over again. Something creaked on the rails, John turned around, One of the lights that was originally there wasn't there. John thought nothing of this and turned around and kept walking down the endless rails. John heard something else and turned around. The light was there. Realizing what he overlooked, John walked to the light and stumbled upon a broken rail car. The seats were ripped up and the seat belts were completely broken. But there was nothing that could have thrown the passengers out of the car. Something ripped them out. Walking around the broken down piece of metal, John bumped his head on a large bar that was jutted across the rails. John aimlessly felt around the top of the bar and felt a strange coarse feeling that sent shivers down Johns spine. He pulled his hand down and smelled the remains of the coarse thing that was caught in his fingernail. "blood." John said to himself. His detective instincts automatically kicked in, he walked down the black rails into the nothingness.
Through the door John walked. Back into the room from which he came. But John wasn't leaving. Looking throughout each locker that the unknowing employees left behind, John found a flashlight.
Back onto the rails, John walked.
John always wanted to see the inside of the colossal castle. Before he arrived at the crime scene he pulled out the flashlight to get an Idea of the shear size of the massive building.


"Oh my."
Standing if front of John was a large black, freakishly skinny, monstrously intimidating thing. Standing there, with the claws of Satan's left hand.  The long skinny legs started to advance towards John. John took a step back to try and run and was hit by the foul stench of a second things breath. He let out a shriek before the large thing took him into the depths of space mountain, never to be seen again.

The author's comments:

Very scary

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This article has 1 comment.

unholy SILVER said...
on May. 23 2015 at 1:31 pm
unholy SILVER, Georgetown, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
life inspires me to live and there's so much meaning to why my heart is beating right now.

I thought the contrast of Disney world to a disastrous event was very well done. I think to make the story a bit more realistic and shocking, try changing the man (it isn't ideal for an adult to go to Disney alone) to a group of children, a family, etc. Good luck and keep on writing :)