Accident | Teen Ink


March 26, 2015
By Nicholas Joyce BRONZE, Norton, Massachusetts
Nicholas Joyce BRONZE, Norton, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I want to get one thing straight, I never planned on anything like this happening. I just wanted to go out and have some fun. I definitely didn't plan on hurting anyone. It all just happened.

We left the high school around 8:30. Jay pulled up front and we all piled in. He drove a matte black BMW m5. His parents were rich. Jays dad owned a chain of car dealerships all over the state. As a result of that, Jay got pretty much what ever he wanted, the m5 being an example. We all piled in, there were a total of five of us packed in the car. I took the front seat next to Jay.  In the back, Mike and Jon took the outside seats with Chris taking the middle. Mike and Jon were brothers. They were separated in age by a year but it was obvious they were related. They looked the same, acted the same, they even spoke the same way. We pulled out of the parking lot and onto main street. We drove around, making sharp turns down side streets, accelerating every time we reached a straightaway. The whole car was shaking from the bass, which was turned all the way up.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of light illuminate the back seat. Jon glanced down at his phone with interest. His expression changed to disappointment as soon as he had processed what the message said. He mumbled something towards Jay but the car was too loud to hear what he had to say.

“What” Jay shouted over the steady bumping of the bass.

“Something’s wrong, you need to drop us off at home” Jon responded.

The BMW whipped into a side street, and swung into a U-turn. The car pulled out and headed in the direction it had just come from. There was very little talk for the next five minutes, aside from the mumbling between Mike and Jon.We turned down another street, and Jay pulled the car to a stop in front of a white house. The brothers both rushed into the house without a word and we pulled away.

We drove down a couple streets until we arrived at a parking lot of a movie theatre. We pulled into an empty spot near one of the stores. We were in between an ancient Honda sedan, and a brand new Dodge Dart. It was white, with a shiny finish and had a blue stripe running down the length of the car.

We went inside the theater, and watched one of the new Fast and the Furious movies. We began to walk back to Jay’s car. Somebody was inside of the Dart when we arrived. We could see his silhouette through the tinted windows. We piled back into the car and started it up. The driver of the dart revved the engine, and a roaring rumble engulfed the parking lot. Jay did the same. The Dart pulled off to the exit of the parking lot and stayed there, waiting for our car.

“I think he wants to race” Jay shouted.

“Lets do it” I responded.

We pulled up next to him, and we followed him onto the road. He accelerated quickly and we followed in pursuit. We raced down the road, Jay pulling into the opposite lane in an attempt to pass, but the Dart matched our speed and we were forced to slow down and pull behind him when Chris noticed headlights coming our way in the distance.

“Let me drive” I yelled at Jay. The Dart pulled farther away as we maneuvered around the front of the car, and I switched into the driver seat. I floored the gas pedal, and the car shot forward. We as we came to a curve in the road, we were close behind the Dart, maybe half a car length behind. We came out of the curve, six inches from his bumper. We approached another curve and I saw him drifting towards the middle of the road. Then time seemed to slow down, as I saw our headlights reflecting off the orange reflectors. I tried to swerve out of the way but it was too late.

Crash! The car struck the woman, and airbags shot out in all directions. I would find out later that one of them had broken my nose.  I pulled the car to a stop on the side of the road,  and staggered out the door, followed by Jay. Chris remained in the car. I glanced around, the woman wasn't in sight.

  “Over there” Jay pointed off in the distance, there was a lump in the grass to the right of the road, visible only by the orange reflective vest bouncing back the dim light of the shattered headlight. I looked around for the dart, but it was nowhere insight. Maybe it didn't see what happened, we were right around a blind corner. The rest of the night proceeded, was all a blur. The ambulance arriving with the police officers, my time lying in a hospital bed, being questioned by the police officers in the room with dim lights and all the mirrors, to now, sitting in the holding cell waiting to be told what would happen next. Sitting on the hard bench waiting.

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