Wake Up Call | Teen Ink

Wake Up Call

March 17, 2015
By Eissa Cannon BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Eissa Cannon BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up to flashing red and blue lights and a loud knock at the door. Jumping out of bed and running towards the door, I peered through the peek hole into the darkness of the night. That very moment I knew there was something wrong, very wrong.
The knocking continued, and the louder it got the more hesitant I became to open the door. Finally I turned the brass knob on the door. Opening it slowly I stepped out into the darkness of the night. “Are you Melony Krimp?” asked the frantic officer. “Yes, yes I am.” I was shaking uncontrollably, and I was nervous what would come out of the officer’s mouth next. Than every possibility I could think of began to run through my head, and they were the worst of the worst. Finally the officer got dispatched, “we have an older lady lying here, she has brown hair and a red sweater, she’s five foot three and critically injured.” Screaming, I threw myself onto the ground. It was over and I was done.
The room was a blure and I blocked out all the noises. All I wanted was to crawl into a hole and die. “I am sorry my dear, I am sorry.” said the pleading officer. “No, No, No, it can’t be true.” “Melony everything I have told people is true, I would never lie to anybody especially you Melony.” The officer that was standing before me was my uncle. I am sure it was hard for him to see me all torn apart over my mother. He tried to console me, but I couldn’t get the image of my mother lying on the cement out of my head. “Melony, it’s going to be okay, you can come live with me at the apartment for a while if you would like.” I thought about what my uncle had said. I was still confused and in shock but I knew everything would be okay in the end.
The very next day a bunch of news reporters were at my house asking me all sorts of questions. “How did you feel when your mother died?” Hesitant to answer, “very scared and confused.” I said shyly. That very night I had the news on, watching it alone made me even more sad about my mother’s death. Watching the news was something my mother and I always did together. I missed her so much and I missed her more and more every day. As my name flashed across the bottom of the screen everything became a blur. The gentleman on the news said “This young girl’s mother died so young, with this we will keep them in our prayers.” I was so tired and exhausted do to all the different reporters asking me questions trying to get my mother’s life story. I just wanted to be left alone so I could recover. I just wanted life to be normal again but I knew it never would be the same without my mother.
I hated all the reporters asking me questions. Every time they asked me a question I began to tear up. I didn’t want to feel this way any longer. I was tired of all the people coming to my house and asking me questions. I just wanted the time to recover. So I came to the conclusion I would sleep on all this and come to a conclusion.
Awakening to the sound of my alarm clock, I jumped out of bed switching it off and running towards the bathroom, I threw my robe down on the floor. Turning the faucet on I jumped into the shower and began to sing the song my mother use to sing me when I was a little girl. Even though she died tragically, I knew she was in peace, in heaven with God. The thought that my mother was at peace put me at ease. As soon as I switched off the water the phone began to ring. “Hello, this is Melony.” A raspy frightening voice came on the phone. “Hello Melony.” How did he know my name? Who was he? “I heard a good hearted lady has passed away which you spent every day with and I was calling to make sure everything was okay.” Opening the drawer to the night stand, I began to flip through my mother’s old phone book trying to make out who it could possibly be. “I have to go.” I hung up the phone as quick as I possibly could. I ran into the bathroom locking the door behind me. So many different questions ran through my head. Why didn’t she tell me who this man was? Who was this man? Thinking I threw myself against the wall folding my arms across my breasts. First she leaves me and now this man calls. What is my life turning into? Then I realized my mother didn’t really have a choice and she always did things for a reason which I never took for granted.
As the sun began to set, the day was nearing the end. I went back to the drawer. My mother always kept a box in her dresser drawer; she called it the secret box. I took it and opened it. There were pictures of her when she was in high school, when she was young and free. Then I came across a photo of her and the older man I talked to earlier today. On the back of the photo my mother wrote the date and his name so neatly. His name was Matt. I remember my mother saying she would never date a Matt again nor did my mother want me dating a Matt. Now my question was why. Picking up the phone I dialed (213)669-7777. “Hello, said the raspy voice. Swallowing hard, “Hello my name is Melony Krimp, Amy Krimps daughter.” Silence filled the air. He called earlier today to make sure everything was okay. I was shaking, why did he really call? Matt seemed like a nice man on the inside deep down, but he was rough around the edges. “How about we get together soon?” I paused for a minute and hung up the phone quickly. I wasn’t going to take any chances that could mess up my life. I was going to live without a worry in the world. Right then I realized it was up to me and I was the only one who could better my life. Making my life better was exactly what I was going to do from here on out.
Every day from now on and forever, I held my head high and I wasn’t going to let anyone or anything bother me ever again. I never saw or talked to the man again. I lived my mother’s dream which she wanted me to have. Even though I didn’t get the chance to talk to my mother right before she died. I know she wanted me to live my dream and have what she always wanted. As long as I knew she was happy in heaven dancing with God, and that’s all I needed to be happy, and I was.

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