The Chase | Teen Ink

The Chase

March 5, 2015
By kylie wilson BRONZE, Hilmar, California
kylie wilson BRONZE, Hilmar, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There she sat, body rigid after the horror that had taken place. The room smelled like something rotten and burned, it was her. She died from blunt force trauma to the head, then set on fire, her body was black and charred to a crisp. Head Detective Jody Mckenna walked in, face sour at the familiar crime.
“Looks like he’s struck again, tell the media the young victims information and to warn all women who fall under her and the other victims profile, also tell them about our killers profile, maybe it’ll scare him into messing up.”
Detective Mckenna canvassed the scene looking for anything to get this guy, she didn't think he deserved another moment free, not after taking his fourth victim. She scanned the body and couldn’t find evidence surrounding it, hopefully the others will find something. Just as she was about to head to the living room her co-workers walked in.
“Oh look the women got here first, don't you have a kid or something to take care of, maybe some laundry?” Joe said with a snarl.
“Dave, John will you check out the windows and doors, find where he broke in. Michael and Joe canvass the back yard and garbage cans, see if he left something.”
She no longer gave Joe the time of day, his hatred towards her was petty. She couldn't believe how this man in these times could have part of him stuck in the past, the fact that he only hated her because she outranked him, well that she was a woman that outranked him.
Back at home, later in the day, she grabbed a cup of coffee and got to work. All these victims looked the same, they also worked in the same ten mile radius but how did they meet the killer? That’s when the bang jerked her into conscious, she looked at the clock, three weeks have passed and still he is out there.
“ I should probably check what made that noise.” she sighed irritated.
There at the door was a single paper, scribbled on it was two words; You’re next. She hurried off to work to scan the paper for prints. After hours of waiting a match popped up, she couldn't believe it. Was he the one behind the killings to, she thought. Just to be careful she decided to look into his past.
Once she opened the files nothing looked out of place but after a little digging she found purchases that matched the items needed to kill all those women. She dug a little further and found a old building he owned, one all the women passed by, and then there it was, this dark secret. Could he really be the one?
“Captain sir, I found some evidence for a lead, i'm going to dig into it.” she said, not wanting to let him know the exact suspect.
“ Alright just be careful.” the Captain replied to busy with work.
Detective knew she couldn't just show up at any judges courthouse and ask for a warrant, they would cause too much of a scene and no one needed to know about this until she was truly sure. She decided to pay a visit to a old friend.
“May I see Judge Harold please?” she asked arriving at the front desk.
The lady looked up and didn't say a word, she knew who Jody was and lead her to his room. Once in she explained her whole situation to him.
“Of course I can give you one, anything for an old friend Detective, but I can only keep it hush hush for so long.” he said with a concerned look on his face.
“I understand and I wont take long, thank you!” she rushed off.
A few minutes later she pulled up by his house, she canvassed the area, finding it empty, she went in. As she scoped it out looking for him she heard a bang, she went to turn around and something had struck her head.
She slowly opened her eyes the pain still there from the injury, as she looked around she saw Joe standing there with a smirk on his face. This was the guy who did the killings. The one whose mom, a women that rose to power, overcame every obstacle, only to be struck with a bat by her husband and set afire. Each victim had one thing in common, they looked like his mother.
“ I always hated you, ya know? Those look alikes of hers, or should I say of yours weren't enough, but hey now its your turn.”

The author's comments:

I had to write a short story for english so this happened.

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