Death | Teen Ink


February 4, 2015
By Anonymous

Slowly, I walked down the streets of the burning city. Breathing in the toxic fumes that perforated the air around. Ashes brushed and caressed my skin, seeming to push me along as I slowly danced my way through the crumbled buildings and twisted bodies. Distinct screams could be heard in the distance of those who had survived the ordeal. A woman, bent over a man sobbing. Gently stroking his hair and whispering heartfelt wishes into his ear, of how she wished he was still with her. Tho his eyes stayed unmoving and wide open in terror. I stared at them. If I could feel emotion, it would probably sorrow? Or some kind of silly human emotion like that. Swinging my scythe around like a baton. I strolled over to the couple. The woman glancing up at me when I was fully behind her. She gasped and scooted away from me. Probably scared of my appearance.

"Are you done? I kinda need to do my job.." I stated bluntly. She just say there with wide eyes. No sign of moving. I sighed and just pushed her with the end of my scythe. I looked down at the man. He was rather handsome. Black wavy hair and light green eyes. I lifted my scythe and sent it straight threw his chest. The woman screamed, which made me jump because I forgot she was there.

"Shut up, God.." I yelled irritated. She shut up but continued to sob. I turned back to the man and slowly stared cutting down, showing me his insides. Once I had pulled away the to sides of the incision, I then grabbed his heart, which held the soul. I studied it, from his soul I can know anything and everything I want about this man. I smiled and suck my scythe into the heart, a light emitted from it and the souls seeped out. I brought out a jar that I kept my souls in stuck it in there. Once I put the lid I I studied it. It was just a small brightly lit ball that emitted a small trail of light behind it as it floated this way and that.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 6 2015 at 8:17 am
Brian110 SILVER, Jonesport, Maine
8 articles 1 photo 79 comments

Favorite Quote:
if life gives you lemons..... squeeze them back in life's eyes!

THIS IS AMAZING! this should be in the teen ink magazine.