The Vengeance for Love | Teen Ink

The Vengeance for Love

February 4, 2015
By MistressEvan BRONZE, Saint Paul, Arkansas
MistressEvan BRONZE, Saint Paul, Arkansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometime you need a good laugh in life, that's why I'm here." -Dalton Ford

A girl, aged 23, walked up to a purple mansion. It had an eerie feeling to it, but that was what she was hoping for. She and her best friend, Lawrence, were ghost hunters, so they were hoping this would be a good place to find some kind of paranormal activity. After about fifteen minutes, waiting for the rest of the crew to show up, Alizabeth walked on into the house to begin setting up the cameras. She stationed a camera in every room in the far most corners, being that she wanted to capture all photo evidence possible. Lawrence was the first to show. He carried, with him, a bottle of holy water, salts, and in his left hand, he held a red cloth leash with a brown boxer attached to it.

“Rugby! Nice to see you here! Are you joining us for today’s adventure?” Lizzy said, throwing him a piece of bacon that she had ready for him. “I’ll give you some more later,” she whispered in his ear, causing Rugby’s nub of a tail to wag. Rugby barked a few times, licked Lizzy’s hand, and returned to Lawrence’s side. Lawrence checked the rooms over.
“I see that you’ve already set up the cameras. I could’ve sworn you said six thirty.” Lawrence said in a heavy British accent. “Well, thanks. It seems Rugby has said his greeting. Did you remember his bacon?” he asked, in an almost sarcastic voice. He knew she wouldn’t forget; she never does.
“Of course I remembered his bacon! Do I ever forget? The answer to that would be no.” She said, quickly, laughing all the while. The front door swung open when, Peter walked in with the hand camera. He was all excited, though Liz and Lawrence could tell he was secretly nervous.
Peter placed the hand camera on the counter and gave Rugby a little pat on the head. “So, do y’all think we’ll find anything?” he asked, more for the sake of getting them boasted. He knew how much they were into the whole ‘paranormal world’ things.
Liz and Lawrence looked at each other and laughed. “Of course we’ll find something. In a place like this, there HAS to be something. C’mon, can’t you just feel it?” Liz said, giving Peter a soft shove, teasing him.
“O-ok. Well, should we get started? I brought the night vision goggles.” He said, digging into his jacket pockets before revealing 2 facemasks and handing each one to their respected owner. Liz’s goggles were magenta, whereas Lawrence’s were green.  Rugby jumped up and let out a big loud howl. “Guess that’s queue to start, huh?” Peter said, kind of scrunching his shoulders; he was nervous and panicky.
“Sure is!” Lawrence and Liz said in unison. “Hit the lights!” Peter walked over to the counter, placing the large camera on his shoulder before heading over to the power box and turned all electricity.  He shuffled, quickly, back to the group and began recording, turning the camera’s settings to night vision.
“Who has the heat thingy mabobber?” Peter said, not knowing all the terms for the paranormal equipment. Liz rose up a yellow box, the screen lit up. “Ah, ok, what about the EVP thingy?” Lawrence pointed at Liz, knowing that Liz was focused. “Oh. Ok.”
“Peter! Shush. How can I start and EVP if you won’t quit talking?” Liz asked, frustrated. “You have to be quiet if you want any kind of activity. I get you don’t like this, and I get your nervous, it’s obvious, but if you can’t handle it, hand the camera to Lawrence and get the heck out of here!” she said, huffing before continuing down a long hallway.
“Ok, ok! I can handle it. Just keep going.” Peter was obviously a little nervous, but he didn’t want his friends to see how week and wimpy he was. The EVP box made a beep, causing him to jump a little. He clinched his eyes shut tight until another beep went off. Liz looked back, giving him a large grin. Peter faked a smile and walked slowly behind them.
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The EVP box was beeping sounds off real quickly. Liz smiled full heartedly. Lawrence rubbed her back for a second and gave a slight nod. That was queue for the recording to start.
“Is anyone here?” she asked, aloud. After waiting a few seconds, she started the questioning. “What is your name? Why are you here?” This was the usual start up questions. “How did you die?” she asked. This annoyed the spirit. A plate from the end of the hall flung straight at Liz. Peter about lost it. He gasped, loudly.
“Peter, get in front of me, record this!” Lawrence grabbed Peter by the neck of his shirt and threw him in front. Peter gasped, cleared his throat and sunk deep to the floor, staying as low as possible. He, reluctantly, placed his eye on the eye piece and searched around the room.
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Peter gasped and looked back at Liz, who was now, nowhere to be seen. “Where’d she go? Lawrence!” Lawrence giggled and waved it off.
“No worries, she does this all the time, it is part of being a ghost hunter, you dork!” Lawrence couldn’t help but laugh. “Here, I’ll go ahead, give me the camera!” They switched gear and Lawrence took the lead. “So, you ready to continue?” Peter nodded, though Lawrence was facing the opposite direction. “Good.” Walking further down the hallway, Lawrence shuffled into a room, dragging Peter close behind him. “Scan the room with the red box, what shows on the screen?”
As instructed, Peter took the red box from his pocket and scanned the room. “Uh, there is a bunch of red and in the far right corner, there is blue. Oh my…goo-”Peter cut out. His arm began feeling tingly until he had no feeling at all on the right side of his body. Without a thought, or even wanting to, his right arm grabbed Lawrence by the throat until there was no heart beat left.  Within seconds, Rugby grabbed ahold of Peter’s arm, ripping it off about half way through. After realizing what he had done, Peter spazzed. “Liz! LIZ!” Peter yelled, holding onto his arm, trying to stop the bleeding. He ran to the kitchen, turned on the burner, and cauterized his arm, screaming all the while.
Liz found Peter, and noticing his arm, she ran through the house. “Where’s Lawrence? What happened? PETER!” Peter sighed, and ran to the room he had unknowingly murdered Lawrence in, but his body was gone.
“Oh. My. God. Liz. I… I was possessed.. I…” Peter looked at the ground, depressed. “Rugby ripped my arm off! Lawrence goes missing! All I saw was this thing on the heat thingy mabobber. Next thing I know, I’m and amputee and all you’re worried about is where Lawrence is?! Why don’t we get the heck out of here and into civilization, huh? What about that!”
Liz gave Peter the death stare. “How dare you? Don’t you know anything by now? You’ve been working with us for 6 months and you still don’t know the simple rules? No man left behind! Rule number one! THE GOLDEN RULE! I’m sorry about your dumb arm, but we have other things to worry about. We-”
Liz’s eyes turned purple and were glowing. “Liz?” She blinked her eyes shut and reopened them. “Liz? Are you ok?”
Liz laughed. “What’s there not be fine about? I’m perfectly fine! I could go for a sandwich, what about you?” she asked, all memory of what they were doing vanished. Then, Lawrence was there. Standing. Alive. Right in front of them. Peter’s facial expression showed utterly mortified. Lawrence ran after Peter.
“Lawrence! I didn’t mean to! It was the spirit. You have to believe me!” Peter yelled, looking back to see the Lawrence’s body wasn’t even touching the floor, and he was also see-through. “Oh my god! I killed you! Oh my god!” Peter said, even more mortified. Peter ran up the stairs and ran into a random room, locking the door behind him.
Instead of following Peter into the room, Lawrence broke off the door handle, making it impossible for Peter to get free. “Big mistake, Peter.” Lawrence’s voice was a little distorted. “Oh, my dear Liz.” Lawrence began, trying to confess his undying love for the girl. “I’ve loved you for a long time now, but now that I am dead, we can never be. I give this to you as a goodbye present.” He said, removing a heart shaped locket from his neck and handing it to her. She stood there, gaping. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but it’s true, I am now dead.”
Tears ran down Liz’s face. She jumped to give Lawrence a hug, but her arms just went right through his body. “No. This can’t happen. Why?” Lawrence left to get his revenge on Peter, Liz trailing behind him. He just went straight through the door, making it impossible for Liz it witness what was about to happen.
“LAWRENCE! LET ME IN! Lawrence. I love you too! Law…rence.” She said, falling to the floor, bawling her eyes out. It was painful, but Lawrence ignored Liz and got his deed finished.
“I’m sorry, Peter, but you made a big mistake!” Lawrence said, grabbing Peter by the back of his head and throwing him from the bedroom window, causing him to snap his neck and die. “Now, I can go into the light.” Lawrence said, leaving the universe forever, leaving his life, his love, and his body behind. He would surely live in hell for the rest of eternity, but at least he got his revenge.
The next month, all video evidence was posted to the internet and Liz had killed herself, Rugby was given a new home, and all was given a proper burial.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by one of my favorite bands, mystery skulls.

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