The attic | Teen Ink

The attic

December 18, 2014
By Anonymous

Thinking it was just a normal Saturday night, I started my long walk home on the deserted streets of Tunner. My house was out in the middle of the woods. It’s kind of scary at night because we only had a population of 89 people and they went to bed early. All the lights were off at all the shops, leaving just a little light that was provided by the street lamps. After the long walk I reached my house. I slowly staggered up to my porch but stopped dead in my tracks.  I saw someone run past the window and no one was home, my parents had left for the weekend.  I went to my door and noticed it was slightly open just a crack. I swallowed the large lump that had formed in my throat. I heard a noise from behind me. I quickly swung my head just to find my dog Daisy. I turned back around and faced the door to my house. I grabbed the handle and walked through the door expecting someone with a knife to pop out at me. The fact that no one did put me at ease. I think I was just imaging the shadow running by. Daisy followed me in. I walked into the kitchen expecting nothing but instead my brother popped out at me wearing a stupid Halloween mask.
I yelled at him angrily, “You jerk why you did you do that for?”
Eric said in amusement, “For fun” with a little snicker.
I responded and said, “For fun huh, I thought you were spending the night at friend’s house?”
He said, “He got sick after his third whole pizza, and his parents told me to go home.”
I said, “Shut the door all the way when you come home.”
He said “I did.”
I was angry once more with him and said, “Whatever.”
Then we heard it, the sound of shattering glass. We ran to the sound of the breaking glass to find no one in the room and nothing that could have broken the window.  It looked as if someone had broken in, but no one could run away that fast without us hearing him. My brother slowly walked to the front do and I followed. He grabbed the baseball bat and turned and said, “Let’s make sure that no one is in the house.”  We started at the very bottom of the house in the basement. Then we went up to the main floor. Then up to the second level and we had looked everywhere except for one place…the attic. We slowly made are ascent up the rickety old stair case. There, across the room, sat and man. He looked like he was eating something but we couldn’t tell because his back was to us. The man was pale, and very skinny. He was so skinny you could make out very bone in his body. Then he turned to us with a half-eaten torso of a small unknown animal. The man spit it out and screamed and started to run at us. Right before her reached us Eric knocked him in the head with a baseball bat and we shut the attic door then locked it. We went to the phone and called 911. When the police came they went upstairs to the attic and the man was gone. We worried that they thought we were lying, instead what they told us was something more surprising. This was not the first time this man had been seen. Many other people have claimed to have seen the person. They told my brother and me that the man was called Thomas. He was the man who lived here before us. They said he had gone insane and died. The police said they could never prove that he had died because they had never found his body.

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