the killer | Teen Ink

the killer

November 13, 2014
By maddy1 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
maddy1 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a sunny morning a lady had went out for a peaceful jog. She had made a turn into the wood as she was jogging. She had felt a cold windy breeze on her back, like somebody was watching her.  Sidney kept on looking back and by the fourth time she had looked back and turned around, a man was in front of her.

Sidney had sighed while saying, “You scared me.”
“I’m sorry but, can you help me with something?”
The men had taken her to his car and asked her,
“Can you help me put this in my back seat?”
While the lady was putting stuff in car for him, she saw a shadow of a man holding something but by the time she could turn around the man had hit her on the head.  The lady had waked up to a room that was cold and dark. Sidney started to scream.
“Help get me out.”
A few minutes later the light’s had came on. Two days had passed and no one has heard, seen, and talk to Sidney. Her husband Sean had made a papers and everything for people to look for her but Sidney never came back. A week later they found Sidney body floating around in the river. Two weeks later the guy had kidnap another girl but the girl had escaped. The men have being looking for her in the past two day’s hoping he will find her.

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