The Mall Mystery | Teen Ink

The Mall Mystery

November 13, 2014
By Aery6520141 BRONZE, Camden, New Jersey
Aery6520141 BRONZE, Camden, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I Hear You Talking."

The Cherry Hill Mall is a big two story building with a bunch of stores clothing, footwear and toy stores and several different options. It makes my mood change when I walk in, especially the smells of the freshness of Auntie Ann’s pretzels. There are several people walking around with tons of bags, as if they were going on a shopping spree. It’s bright, breathtaking and always a place for you to go when you want to get away and breathe.
One shopper is a girl name Maria. She was sweet, intelligent, and she worked at Traffic shoe store. She was a 16 year old girl, African American, and lonely. She had long honey blond hair and hazel green eyes. She was very thick for her age and was a straight “A” student. Her coworker, Aliza, thought she was weird for some reason.
The reason why Aliza thought Maria was weird is Maria always would come to work with black clothes and black make up. Out of work, Maria dressed like she was a model. She just always was so gorgeous and quiet.
One day, Maria Had just clocked in to work. As time passed on, Maria asked her coworker what time the supervisor would be in with an alarmed look on her face. “In about 15 to 20 minutes,” said Aliza, “Why’d you ask?” Maria responds with “Oh! No reason,”and walked off sweaty and panting like as if she had seen a ghost.
Ten minutes later, the supervisor, Mr. Gaines, walked in with a shocked face like he knew something bad was soon to happen. As he walks in, the first thing he does is start to check the cash registers and he yells, “Everyone stop what you’re all doing!” Everyone stops and looks really shocked. He says, “Why is there money missing from your register, Aliza”? Aliza responds and says, “Well…well….I don’t know…I didn’t do it,” stuttering because she was scared.
Then, Maria tried to walk away as fast as she could. Mr. Gaines says, “Where do you think you’re going, Maria?” She says in response, “It’s my break time.” “You think I’m stupid or something? It’s not 12:30 yet!” said Mr. Gaines. Mr. Gaines Asked Maria why she is sweating and looking so frightened. She says, “Ummm,” sounding so abashed, “no reason.” “Maria, come here come to the back with me. I have a question. Bring your belongings, also.” said Mr. Gaines.
They then went to the back. Maria was sitting in her own puddle of sweat. Mr. Gaines gives her two choices, “Either speak up and tell me something, or let me check your things because you seem very suspicious.” She then busts out in tears saying, “Sorry, sorry, I’m so sorry! I need the money; my mom just passed away and I need the money to get her funeral together. I was going to ask, but I just didn’t want you to say no and I really needed this.” She pulled out three $100 bills from her pink purse and tried to pass it to Mr. Gaines. Mr. Gaines wouldn’t take the money back. Mr. Gaines was upset, but he couldn’t resist hearing that Maria’s mother had passed away. Mr. Gaines told Maria, “Go ahead and do what you have to do to make yourself feel better, but I do need proof and an obituary for the funeral. Okay? And you can clock out early. I hope you feel better.” “Thank you so much, Mr. Gaines,” Maria said, still crying, but smiling really hard.

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