The House and The Daughter | Teen Ink

The House and The Daughter

November 13, 2014
By Ilianaesther BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Ilianaesther BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Conjuring, Paranormal Activity, Insidious, The Haunting in Connecticut, along with other paranormal movies may seem unreal when you are watching them. They all seem fake and one thinks they’re stupid because in reality, when will this happen to us or to our houses?  Well, it has happened to a family a few years ago here in Vegas. It might not be exactly the same things as these movies but really similar to them, really freaky things were occurring to them that it seem like they were in a paranormal movie.
A few years ago there was a family of four; father, mother, daughter and the son. This family got tired of the living expenses in California and decided to move out of the state. They had visited Las Vegas, Nevada before and they liked it. They contacted a realtor to look for houses all around the city. Once the realtor found houses to look at, the family would be in town every weekend looking at them. House to house, one point of town to another side of town, from hot days to raining days, they found the house. The house had everything they wanted. The father wanted a big tree in the front yard for shade, the mother wanted a two story house, the daughter wanted a pool, and the son wanted a big back yard. This house was  perfect for them. Little did they know what they were getting themselves into…
A month or so later  the house was ready to move into, so they did. Everyone was so happy to move into their new home and have a better life. There was one of the family members who was way too happy for this new house and it was the daughter. She got enrolled in school right away and she was so excited to start school because she was going to meet new friends. During the first week of living in that house, the daughter got home from school and the mother told her to go to her room to unpack her stuff. She ran up the stairs and when she opened the door, a Chihuahua was there waiting for her. She was so happy because she got a Chihuahua; her brother had gotten it for her. Everything was going perfectly fine and this family was so happy to be in their new home.
Months passed by and everything was still going smoothly until one night around Halloween, something strange happened and from that night everything started going downhill. The mother and the daughter got dropped off after visiting the mother’s cousin and when they got out of the car, the daughter saw something strange on the drive way. She told her mother and the mother picked it up, the daughter kept saying it smelled like rotten food but the mother couldn’t smell anything. It was a small sandwich zip-lock bag that had fake money, little rocks, some herbs, and some black stuff in it. When the mother was picking it up to look at it, the daughter turned around and she saw a black cat sitting in the middle of the street facing them. The mother got a little creeped out and she tossed it to some other house. They went inside, closed the garage and went to bed. The next morning the father told the mother that when he was leaving for work the garage was open. The mother swore to him that she closed the garage door. She explained to him what happened that night and he looked at her really weird.
“Last night when you two were gone, the backyard smelled like rotten Chinese food. So I went to the kitchen and looked where that smell was coming from but it wasn’t the kitchen. It was coming from the backyard and I went to look for the rotten Chinese food and there was nothing there, then out of nowhere the smell went away.” the father told the mother.
“Weird… because your daughter smelled the same thing right when I picked up that bag but I didn’t smell anything” the mother responded.
Both of the parents were starting to wonder about what was going on and that’s when everything started to go downhill.
On a dark cloudy evening, the daughter was home alone; she was in her room on the computer listening to music and out of nowhere something unexpected happened. She heard a cry of a little boy that was coming from the pool. She walked outside and no one was there, she looked over to her neighbors’ house and no kid was there. When the mother came back home from one of her neighbor’s house, the daughter told her what she heard, and she stood quiet and walked away. After this had happened, the daughter started to see more things around the house. She kept seeing shadows outside the house and inside the house. A shadow of a little boy would be sitting down by the stairs every time she would walk up to her room. Silhouettes would appear on the couch, game room, outside of the house facing it, by the rooms, and in the front door. They were everywhere and the daughter would not get scared, she would just stand there and stare at them.
The daughter would not just see things but feel them and hear them; some of them would go through her. When she had the room upstairs someone would knock on the door and move the doorknob, it couldn’t have been her parents because they were asleep at three in the morning and her brother had moved out by that time. Then steps going up and down the stairs would be heard, as well as furniture being moved in the room next to hers. The daughter told her mother about what was happening and she got moved to a room downstairs. Worst mistake ever. When she got moved downstairs the worst of the worst happened to her. Something had gone inside her. She was laying down checking her phone when she saw a silhouette running from the corner of her room, jumpes over the over, and got inside of her. The daughter tried to scream but no sound came out, and she ran out to the living room.
“What’s wrong with you?” Mother screamed.
Daughter tried to scream but nothing would come out, her eyes were red and popping out and she was paralyzed for a few minutes.
“What happened to you? Breathe! Tell me what happened, so I can help you!” Mother kept telling her daughter.
Finally when she was able to breathe, she responded.
“Mom! I don’t know what happened to me, something got inside of me and I tried to scream for help but nothing would come out. My eyes were burning, I was not able to move and I felt like I couldn’t breathe.” Daughter told her mother while crying.
“ You came out here running your eyes were so red, as well your face and you were burning hot and sweating. What got into you?” Mother said all worried.
“I don’t know mom, I just want to outside and get some air.”
“Okay, I’m going to take you with someone right now.” The mother said seriously.
“Okay mom, just hurry I cant be here anymore.” Daughter said anxiously.
The mother took her to a psychic. When the mother and the daughter got to his house, the mother told her daughter to tell him everything that she has been seeing, feeling and hearing, so she did.
“Your house has dark spirits going around from something terrible that happened these a while back. There is more to it, most of the silhouettes you keep seeing are not just from the house, they’re from family members who are dying or are already dead.” He looked deeply into the daughters eyes.
“Indeed. Whenever I would see a silhouette I wouldn’t get scared and when ever someone would whisper my name, my mom would tell me that someone we knew had died” she said while looking down at the floor.
“Just be careful of what you do when it gets to all these paranormal things because a door will open to another place, and it’ll be hard to close it.” The guy told the daughter.
The daughter would continue to see and feel things all the time, from seeing silhouettes to feeling things to hearing things. This was not just affecting her but her parents too. Everyone who was living in that house would always be in such a negative attitude. Negativity was in the air, everyone was so stressed out, and everything around them was horrible. These three family members would constantly argue with each other everyday, even for the smallest reason.
All the pets these family had, had died. The daughters Chihuahua died the same night mother’s bird had died.
It got so bad, the parents decided to move out to see if whatever was in the house, would leave them alone.
“Maybe if we move out, things will calm down and whatever there is in this house will leave us alone.” The mother told her husband in a serious tone.
“We should start looking into houses and see if we can get another one.” The father said.
“I’ll call the realtor right now and make an appointment.” The mother said.
And so she did, she called their realtor and they started looking into houses but things kept happening while they were in the process of getting a new house. Many obstacles were occurring, the houses they liked or wanted to get, the family could not get them for one reason or another. This was happening for a while, until they were able to get a house. When the daughter started to pack her belonging she noticed some of her stuff was missing. She would look around her room and didn’t find anything. Then she looked towards her closet and there was a trail of things leading into a hidden basement door. All of her missing things were down there. Who put them there if it wasn’t her nor her parents? When she finished gathering everything and everything was packed, she started to walk out of her room. As soon as she was a step from the door… BAMMM! The door had slammed on her, it was locked and she couldn’t get it unlocked, a powerful force was pushing into the door so she couldn’t open it.
As soon as her parents got there the door had open by itself smoothly. The daughter had explained to her parents what happened, and they calmed her down.
When everything was packed, cleaned, and ready to leave something horrific happened. When the mom, the dad, and the daughter were about to walk out of the house, the windows, the doors and lights shattered while something yelled a loud horrific “NO!”  They couldn’t get out of the house all the doors were locked and they could not get them open.
“ Let us go! We don’t want to be here anymore! Please just let us go!” the daughter cried.
“What do you want from us?” the mother said crying.
“Your daughter!” was heard, echoing around the house.
Everyone stood quiet while shaking of fear. All the lights turned off and cold wind was blowing around them. But something stranged had happened. They all fainted and when they woke up they were already outside. Hugging each other and so confused, they all got up and ran to the moving truck to leave the house.
Now they are living in their new house and everything is going perfectly fine. They are all so relieved, calm, happy and have a positive attitude. The daughter still continues to see things but that’s only when someone is going to die, its part of her sixth sense, but nothing bad. Nothing has gotten possessed nor messed with her. The house where they are living is cleansed and neither bad spirits nor demons can go in. After everything they lived through in the old house, and after it being “the perfect home”, they now hate it and cannot passed by that house. The father, the mother, and the daughter are living happily in their sweet little home.

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