No Escape | Teen Ink

No Escape

November 13, 2014
By Anonymous

It was a cold , dark, and stormy halloween night and a group of five teens are headed to a haunted house. No one ever escaped the haunted house but they didn’t really believe that. They thought it was just a joke. Each teen tried too stick toghether and not try to seperate.They got to the haunted house and all five teens stood in front, thinking wether to go in or not.
       All five teens didn’t want to go in until the door slowly oppened its self. They went in extreamly scared and the door closed as if they were never to get out, there they stood not wanting to move. One of the teens decided to got check out some of the rooms where they had some scary stuff and left the other ones behind
       He went in a dark small room , there was a litle doll on the floor , he picked it up and threw it across th room.He turned around there was someone in the the closet , they grabbed him and killed them. He was dead. Four teens are left. Two of the teens were walking and they felt someone behind them , if like someone wanted to grab them. They both kept walking and again, they both turned around there was nothing when they turned back around there was a girl, in a white dress with black hair on the front of her face. They knew they were dead. They both ran and no escape , the girl took them both from the neck and threw them to the seeling and they fell back down dead.
         There was two teens left they both saw two men taking big bags of people to the garbage. They knew they were in danger. Both of them tried to escape but it was too late.

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on Nov. 19 2014 at 12:41 pm
Kaitlincutie GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
19 articles 1 photo 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whether you think you can or can't, you're right

awesome! make another one a little longer. I WANT MORE!!!!