Ouija | Teen Ink


November 10, 2014
By AamnaS BRONZE, Jefferson, New Jersey
AamnaS BRONZE, Jefferson, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  It is a chilly October evening, almost midnight as I swat the fly that keeps buzzing in my face, as my friends and I are walking on the narrow sidewalk. We are heading over to our favorite place to go to around this time. An abandoned cabin in the middle of the woods. My friends and I always go to this cabin, ever since we found it last year.

  We reach the cabin, only to realize that we forgot the lantern. On the plus side, the moon was out. The moonlight shines through the broken windows. We sit down at the broken wooden table, and Lucas takes out his wooden Ouija board. I get settled in, even if I have a premonition that something terrible is going to occur. I put my trembling hands on the wooden cursor right next to Ashton’s sweaty hand. Before we could even start, the door flies shut, sending goose bumps up my neck and arms. Lucas told us to calm down, maybe it was just the wind. Ashton and I nod our heads and go back to the board. We put two fingers on the cursor.

  “Are there any spirits with us?” Lucas asks in a confidence voice, not even slightly scared. The cursor moves to the ‘yes’. A gasps escapes my lips.

   “What is your name?” It moves to the F, then the L but before it could reach the next letter a howl appears from the back of Ashton. Then it goes silent as if you were to drop a pin you would hear it clink against the ground. The room seems to be getting darker and darker. My eyelids keep closing. I am definitely not tired, but why are they closing? I look over at Lucas and his eyelids are slowly shutting too. My top lid reaches the bottom lid, but rapidly reopens as my ear drums hear a scream. I look to my right, where Ashton had been sitting but now is empty.
   I exchange worried glances to Lucas, who now looks frightened.

   “Maybe it is a joke? You know Ashton is always playing jokes.” He speaks with an uncertain voice, as if he is trying to convince himself as well. I nod my shoulders finding no words to respond verbally. I hear a familiar buzzing noise. I look above me, to see a fly going in circles. I choose to ignore it, but it almost feels like the buzzing is getting louder and louder as time went on. Yet again I ignore the constant buzzing. Lucas and I slowly put our fingers back on the cursor and think of a question. It is dead silent besides the humming of the fly, as we think of a question.

  “Where is our friend Ashton?” I nervously ask the ‘spirit’ present. The cursor moves to the U, then the N after D and ending with E, and R. Under? What does that mean?

  “What does “Under” mean?” I ask Lucas but only getting a shrug of the shoulder. The buzzing abruptly stops and it is eerily silent. The seat to my right that once had been Ashton’s, viciously starts to shake. Rocking back and forth, side to side. But it stops, all of a sudden. It was a minute of silent before a loud boom occurs from the chair that is now lying on the floor. With the chair on the floor, is when Lucas and I both internally decide it is enough of playing with the board. We let go of the cursor, but we make a mistake. We quickly put our fingers back on the cursor to move it to “goodbye” but it is too late.

  The cursor starts to move, rapidly across the board. Lucas and I having no control whatsoever. The cursor starts going to several letters leading out to a sentence. “You are next.” Who is next? Me? Lucas? I look over at Lucas to see him just as confused. It is now a little past one and the moon is disappearing behind the clouds, leaving the two of us in almost complete darkness. We continue sitting there in silence, until I feel a tap on my shoulder. I hesitantly turn back, and look for any clue on who it was but no clue. I turn around to see the seat in front of me completely empty. I rapidly look around looking for a sign and quietly walk around the small cabin. I feel a presence behind me. I deliberately turn around not witnessing anything suspicious. That is until, I see the curtain moving. I hesitantly walk over to the curtains and reach my arm out. I pull it to the side a little girl’s face appears on the glass and an evil smirk is displayed on her. I fleetly turn around only to feel a sharp pain and it all turns pitch black.

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on Nov. 19 2014 at 8:58 am
Kaitlincutie GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
19 articles 1 photo 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whether you think you can or can't, you're right

That story is awesome!!!