The Abandoned Carnival | Teen Ink

The Abandoned Carnival

November 9, 2014
By jazzyelise BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
jazzyelise BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don’t leave something good to find better, because once your realize you had the best, the best has found better.

Many horrid things makes Jen want to turn back, and not even think about what could happen to them. Somehow, she insists that she is being a spaz, and that the carnival isn't haunted after all. So, she decides to continue on with the group. 

Chapter 1: The Abandoned Carnival

“The Abandoned Carnival”
I see some very disturbing things, as soon as we walk up to the gates of the abandoned carnival. There was distinct owl hoots within the gloomy grounds. There was spray paint on the concrete walls that read: “Stay away, he will get you.” There was ripped crime scene tape, bloody hand prints on the rides, and the ferris wheel swung back and forth with the breath-taking wind. It was midnight, and the skies were as black as a crow’s feather. The only source of light was the full moon, and the dimness of our flashlights. Crickets were chirping, and it felt like I was in a horror movie. The rusted-chained gates, and the “No Trespassing” sign, showed that this place hasn’t been open for at least twenty years. The taste was damp, as well as the weather. The broken, blood splattered glass showed that this place has had a violent past. There was nothing welcoming about this place. Yet, here I am with four of my best friends, about to see what this carnival has in store for us…
It smells like rotten corpse. The crime scene tape was enough to make me want to run home and climb under my bed covers. Like an idiot I am, I  decided to go along with my friends. They don’t seem bothered by it, they seem quite amused actually. That amazed me. Did they not see what I’m seeing?
“Lighten up! You look like you just seen a ghost,” my best friend, Sarah said calmly.
“By the time we get out of here, if we do that is, I’d be surprised if we hadn’t seen one,” I retort.
Anyways, I followed along. Instead of looking up, I looked at the ground as I walked. I didn’t want anything to do with this “trip”. The next thing that caught my eyes, was something more disturbing than the crime scene tape. There was a blood stain on the concrete.
“Sarah, come h-here,” I stuttered, petrified. When she came, all I did was point.
“Really, Jen? You’re overreacting. That’s probably some ketchup or something,” she said nonchalantly.
“Explain the tape, then. There’s tape and there’s blood, doesn’t that tell you something?”
“Yes, it tells me you’re overreacting,” she rolls her eyes, and ushers me to the rest of the group.

She said it might be ketchup, like really? Sure, I might be overreacting a little, but how can she and everyone else be so calm about this place? We keep walking towards the haunted house ride. Great, now another thing I have to worry about. To make everything worse, it even has mirrors. Luck is just not on my side tonight.
Let’s just say the next thing that happened is more terrifying than the blood and the tape. I hear numerous of screams, and notice I was separated from the rest of the group. I immediately had the urge to run, but I had to help my friends. I followed through the haunted house, and I saw bloody hand prints, and blood splatter among the mirrors. My heart started racing. It was fresh blood, and a lot of it.
“G-guys?” I cry, panicked.
There was no reply. I kept following the trail of blood, until I came upon something; a bloody sheet covering a body. I didn’t want to lift it up, but I had to. It took every ounce of courage in me. I was reaching for the sheet, when I heard something; a clown laugh. I winced, but kept inching closer to the blanket. I slowly lifted it, and I was shocked to see who was under it.
It was Sarah… I was almost paralyzed. She was still breathing, but it looked like she took a hard blow to the head. I looked down the hallway, and saw three other bloody sheets. I know what lies beneath them; my beloved best friends.
Why not me? I think to myself. That question I asked too soon. I heard the creepy clown laugh, and I slowly turn around. There was a bloody clown, with a machete in it’s hands. He was coming after me, laughing with his evil snicker. I tried to run, but it was too late.
The next few moments went by in a blur. I seen my own blood, and soon after that, I was being covered with a white fabric. It was too late for all of us… I should have went back when I seen the crime scene tape. At this moment, I was better off dead.
I slowly wake up. I thought I was going to die… I look at my surroundings, and I see all my friends shackled to the ceiling with rusty chains. I see my friend Liam shuffling around, trying to get loose. He wasn’t even close, the chains won’t budge.
“Liam,” I whisper trying to get his attention.
“What happened? Why are we here?” He asks terrified.
“I don’t remember…”
  Maybe all of this is a sick joke. Like someone trying to play a prank on us. If it is, it’s gone way too far. Reality hits me, and I realize no one is pranking us, and this is a life or death situation. As of right now, death is the path we’re all going.
I hear clinking chains beside me, and I look over. I see Sarah, Logan, and Serenity. They’re all awake and terrified. I warned Sarah, she really should have listened. We’re all crying frantically because we know we’re going to die soon.
Then Logan starts trying to break the chains. Of course, nothing happens. They’re way too strong for any of us. I look up and I see a clamp that keeps us to the wall, but it’s too far far anyone to reach, someone loose could do it, though.
I hear a door open and close, and I never thought I’d be so happy to see a person in my existence. It was a cop… He’s here to save us. We can go home safe, and never come to a place like this ever again. Thank God!
“Help us!” we all scream.
He one by one unchains us, and we all run as fast as we ever had in our life. I hear a scream, and I know the clown got the cop… We should have warned him. He saved our life…
“Run, and don’t look back!” Serenity yells at us.
By the time we made it out of the gates, it was sunrise. We actually made it… We fought and we made it. Never again will I go to a place like that. We drove, and we never looked back. Home is the safest place right now.
I went home, still terrified. I went to bed, and tried to fall asleep. About an hour or so with no sleep, I hear a tapping on the window. I slowly look over, and I see curly red hair. It was the same clown. He laughs his evil laugh, and at this moment it’s more terrifying than before...

The author's comments:

I hope people can understand me in some of the stories by the personalities of the characters. Most stories I have wriiten, posted on other websites, have a piece of me in them. it helps people understand me better.


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