Nemora | Teen Ink


October 27, 2014
By benjamin frederick BRONZE, Sdfdbg, Other
benjamin frederick BRONZE, Sdfdbg, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

           There is nothing wrong with me. Any person would have done what I did if they were in my shoes. The doctors keep saying I’m insane but I assure I’m not.
           I used to be a loving father with a nice wife and two precious girls. We lived in a nice house in the suburbs of New York. Every month we would go up state to go camping in the woods. It was always so peaceful and quiet up there.
           It was the night before we left to go camping. I was making last minute checks on the equipment making sure the family did not forget anything. My eyes glanced over the supplies then came to a rest when it reached the axe. Do we need this I thought, and I almost put it back in the garage but something stopped me. Might as well bring it I thought, what harm could it do? I placed the axe in the car with the other equipment.
           I walked up the stairs to my wife’s and my bedroom. My hand grasped the cold brass doorknob, rotating my wrist, and then the door swung open easily on its well-oiled hinges. My wife lay in bed reading a book. She glanced up as I crept into the room. She said to me, “Is everything alright?”
           “Everything is perfect. This weekend will go perfectly,” I said.
           She smiled at me and I gave her a grin back. “Good night honey, I love you,” I whispered into her ear as I climbed into bed next to her.
           “Love you to,” she replied. I laid there thinking for a while about what this weekend could unfold to be like and eventually I dozed off into darkness.
           I slowly began to stir as the first streaks of sunlight lit up the sky. I quietly rolled out of bed and slipped a t-shirt and pants on. I slid my feet into my boots and pulled the strings tight around my boot, and then tied a knot. I walked through the maze like corridors down the stairs to the kitchen. There I grasped the kettle and let water flow from the faucet into the top of the kettle. I returned the kettle to the stove and turned the knob so the burner ignited like a hearth.
My wife stumbled down the stairs, and the ends of her shoe laces spinning wildly in the air as she walked down the stairs. I kissed her lips as she passed, and said, “Good morning sunshine!”
         The car heading north as my foot pressed on the gas pedal. The tall pin trees zoomed past on the abandon dirt roads. The car rolled to a stop next to a dark gloomy camp site with dark dead scraggily patches of grass. The four of us climbed out of the car and started setting up camp. My two darling daughters helped me set up the tent.
         After the camp was set up, I then walked into the woods to collect firewood. I bet down to pick up a piece of wood and a voice startled me so much I dropped all the wood I was carrying. “Kill them all, every last one,” it said. I quickly got up and scanned my surroundings, but I saw nothing. I quickly collected the pieces of woods and returned to camp, but that voice was stuck in my head, “Kill them all,” it said.
         I walked into camp and saw my whole beautiful family around the fire. The fire was casting dark shadows like demons dancing at the edge of camp.  I didn’t talk much that night. My mind was stuck on that voice in the woods.
         After a while the rest of the family all piled into the tent to sleep, while I sat by the fire and thought about the voice. I looked down at my feet and the axe appeared there glistening in the fire light. My hand seemed to move without my will to the handle of the axe. “Kill them all,” I said. I moved without a sound to the tent. The axe came down three times. Not even a shriek came out of my family as I butchered them. Their blood soaking the hollow ground, red rivers streaming from the tent. Then it was all over, nothing moved.
         The police found me the next day soaked in blood sleeping in the tent next to my butchered family. That was the last time I saw sunlight, but I tell you this now. I am not insane!

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