Love Homicide | Teen Ink

Love Homicide

October 23, 2014
By NylaMae BRONZE, Newcastle, Delaware
NylaMae BRONZE, Newcastle, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Can I now bring Jasmine Brown to the stand?” Detective Angie ordered. “Can you please inform to the jury why your friend Mya Saunders homicide her ex boyfriend Keshawn Smith in August of 2014?”.....
It all started July of 2013 the end of Mya freshmen year of high school when Keshawn came into her life and everything changed from that very moment. Their relationship may have seemed lowkey to everyone on the outside looking in, but to them they were the perfect two. Mya went to a different school than Keshawn, but that didn’t matter because every Thursday and Friday Mya and Keshawn always hung out. Also they texted all day everyday. It was a Wednesday when Mya got a phone call from her friend Brenda which goes to Keshawn’s school.
“Hey Mya!” Brenda whispered.
“Girrl!” Mya shouted, “Why are you calling me? Why aren’t you in school? What’s wrong?” She said, confusedly.
“I know”, Brenda explained back, “but I called to tell you that I seen Keshawn walking with Jade when they got off the bus and they also ate breakfast together. It didn’t seem friendly to me”
“The same Jade that Keshawn said he ain’t talked to when I asked him about a week ago?”, Mya barked
“YES! That’s her. What are you going to do…...a teachers coming I’m going to call you back.”
Mya hung up the phone immediately. Mya was so upset, matter fact she was furious. Her face got red as a flaming fire. Mya is dark skinned so she never gets red or maybe we couldn’t tell, but that day we all knew something was up. She went through the whole day and didn’t say a word to anyone, all she could think about is what she would say to Keshawn when she speaks to him. The clock hit 2:09 and Mya glared at the clock, waiting for 2:10, as if it was Keshawn in the flesh and she was burning a hole in his chest. 2:11 hit and the bell to dismiss everyone has rung and Mya sprinted to her bus as if it was going to make her get home any faster. All the way home Mya thought about all the things that she could say to Keshawn.
“Should I say this or should I say that” crossed her mind several times that afternoon on the bus. She put her key in the door, entered the house and immediately walked up the steps, passing baby pictures of her siblings on the nicely painted white walls, until she came to her room door. When she walked inside she furiously threw her bookbag and laid down on her twin sized bed and no longer than 5 minutes Mya was sound asleep. 4:00 on that same Wednesday evening Mya was awoken by a loud bang, sounding like someone is repeatedly kicking a metal trash can, but it was just her little sister entering the room from school. Mya checked her phone and had no message from Keshawn so she took it upon herself to send him a text.
"Keshawn it's really funny that you can walk with the same girl that you told me you did not like. I see how you are. Real shady" Mya sent with the most angriest frown on her face. Seconds later he responded.
"You’re not my girl anymore, she is. Cut it out. Leave me alone. You are being weird, tell your friends to mind their business!"
"Really? That's how you're going to act, after everything we been through you are going to throw shade on the only person that had your back?" Mya type slow and sadly.
"Leave me alone. You are acting crazy. Don't text me back!" Keshawn texted forcefully.
"So I'm crazy? You don't know what I'm capable of!" As Mya sat there with her emotions racing. One minute she'll be sad and moments later she's angry. She didn't know how to deal with this Keshawn situation but she knew she wasn't going to let it slide lightly. He took her for granted so many times and now it was time for payback.
Mya had the perfect plan and didn't want to wait too long to actually go forward with doing it. She planned to take action Friday night around 9 because she knows that's the time Keshawn goes to his friends Shaddy house. It was Friday morning at school and Mya walked off the bus smiling, as if she seen Chris Brown, her favorite singer. Mya’s friend Ali ran up to her fast as a cheetah running in the jungle after its predator.
"Hey Mya," Ali shouted, "I heard about what happened with Keshawn, How are you feeling?" Ali whispered.
Mya laughed. Actually Mya laughed pretty loudly. "I am fantastic, I'm chilling, girl I ain't worried about Keshawn. He should be worried about me" Mya said, enthusiastically.
"What you mean about that Mya?" Ali said with a type scared tone.
Mya flipped her stale, unbrushed ponytail and walked away. She knew today was the day that Keshawn would get his payback, the revenge she been waiting for. But she told no one not even her best friend Brenda, it was a secret nobody could ever know. Mya went through the whole day in school like any other day she didn't act weird or suspicious. As the end of the day approached Ali came up to Mya and asked if she had plans for tonight but Mya quickly denied and said that she had other plans which she does. When Mya got home she immediately started to plan for tonight, what she was wearing preferably all black, when she was going to leave, and it all seemed to come together in her head perfectly well.
8:30 has hit and it was so black that Mya wouldn't be seen if she went outside while she wore her black tight jeans, all black Jordan's, and just a regular black long sleeved v-neck. She knew that Keshawn always left his house at 9:00 so leaving now would give her perfect timing because her and Keshawn didn't live that far apart. As she walked though the grassy, muddy woods she procrastinated to herself "I don't think I can do this, what am I about to do, I was not raised like this" but that ain't stop her there was no turning back. Mya called Keshawn. Ring! Ring! He answered. "Keshawn are you home?" Mya whispered
"Didn't I say leave me alone, I don't know why you're acting stupid you know I go to Shaddy house every Friday!" Keshawn shouted. "I regret even talking to you, you're so....."
Mya hung up the phone as she stood at the streetlight across from Keshawn's house just waiting on him to walk out his front door. She stood there probably for 15 minutes waiting for Keshawn and it was cold it felt like she was standing, in a big cup of ice water. Mya thought about leaving but as she took one step Keshawn's door open and he walked out slow, slow as snail going 1 mph. Mya stood in a perfect distance from the streetlight so Keshawn could see an shade as he walked pass on his way to Shaddy house.
"Hello? Who's there" Keshawn said with the most scared tone that Mya has ever heard. She chuckled.
"It's the same crazy girl you told to leave you alone" as Mya walked like she was strunting on a runway.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YO? You a crazy b*tch I don't care what nobody say! Your stalking me now"
Mya chuckled even louder this time. "It's just so funny when some people don't know what others are capable of" Mya said, slowly as she went to grab the gun out of her black Michael Kors fanny pack. "If you want to hang with the big dogs, you can't pee like a puppy" Mya cried as she raised her arm and shot 3 bullets. One in his chest and two in his forehead. Mya was so shocked she didn't know what she have done but she knew she couldn't stay there for long. She ran fast but running ain't help. When Mya hit the corner there was ten cop cars already locked and loaded as if they knew she was coming.
"If you under arrest for the murder of Keshawn Smith. Keshawn called earlier he knew you would try and do something to him. Your caught give!" Detective Angie screamed to Mya as she was got manhandled to the cold, concrete.
"Your going to jail for a long time." The cop whispered into Myas ear as he put her in the State Tropper cop car. As the car rode pass Detective Angie Mya winked with the most satisfied smirk.

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