The Dream | Teen Ink

The Dream

September 25, 2014
By Anonymous

The Dream
Something went bang and the little girl jumped. She curled up in her covers and sat on her bed. She heard footsteps in the hallway going thump, thump, thump. She turned her head slightly to the right and saw a strange looking man in the hallway. She quickly grabbed the covers and pulled them over her head.
The man walked into her room and said, “I’m your new babysitter, nice to meet you.”
She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t even know she was getting a new babysitter. Something was wrong and didn’t make sense. But what?
He grabbed her hand and said,”Don’t be afraid.”
All she could think was, I am afraid. I am afraid. She had never seen anything like this. Why would there be man in her house. It was to fake. Nothing like this would happen. Why would it happen? She never did anything wrong. Then, she felt something pat her left shoulder three times.
The little girl heard a voice, “It’s time to get up! You have a birthday party to go too!”
The little girl tried to open her eyes but her eyelids did not want to come open. So they didn’t.
Then she heard a different voice, “Honey it’s time to get up for school.”
“Mom?” She said.
“Let’s go Halle!”
She slowly sat up and was relieved that it was just a dream.
She kept saying to herself, “It was just a dream. It was just a dream. It was just a  dream.”
Halle started getting ready for school, except every creek in the house would make her jump. Everything would make her jump. She couldn’t get ready she was so scared. Halle was shocked because she never got scared. Not once in her life was she sacred this much. Sure she would scream in haunted houses but never like this. Halle sat there and ate breakfast very slowly. Bite by bite she would get more scared.
Her mom said, “Halle, your acting weird, are you feeling okay?”
“I had the scariest dream and I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“It’s okay. It was just a dream, you will be fine. Finish your breakfast and let’s go to school,” Halle’s mom replied.
“Okay,” Halle said slowing still scared.
Halle quickly finished breakfast, because she realized she was running late. Halle was never late. She was always at least 10 minutes early. Halle and her mom made there way to the car and loaded her backpack into the car. Halle’s mom turned the keys in the car and the engine started. Halle jumped.
Her mom said, “What’s wrong?”
Halle responded, “The engine scared me I though it was the thumping in my dream.”
Her mom looked concerned and didn’t know what to do. She had never seen Halle jump from the engine starting. She slowly reversed the car out of the driveway and started driving towards the school. The school was about 15 minutes away and there were a lot of stop signs. Halle’s mom began approaching the first stop sign and the brakes creaked. Halle jumped. Her mom stopped and then began driving again. Halle’s mom turned the music on to make Halle less scared. They started approaching the second stop sign. Halle heard the brakes and jumped. This continued the whole entire drive to school. They finally made it to the school.
Halle’s mom said, “Have a great day at school. Forget about this dream. It was just a dream.”
Halle nodded and said, “I love you.”
She responded, “I love you too. You will be fine.”
Halle slowly closed the door and walked into the school.
7 hours later:
“How was school?” spoke Halle’s mom.
“It was okay, I’m still feeling scared.”
“I have to work late tonight so I got you a babysitter,” said the mom.
“Oh…okay…I guess.”
The babysitter was coming very soon. Halle went upstairs and cleaned up her room. She stacked all her book and put them into her cabinets. Next, she folded all of her clothes and put them into her closet. After she placed the pants into the drawers she hung up her dresses. Then she started making her bed. Except she made her bed slowly. All she could think of while making her bed was, I had my nightmare in this bed, these covers could be haunted. Although she just tried to forget about it. She finally finished making her bed although she still felt scared. She placed all of her homework on her desk and placed it in alphabetical order. Halle always had to be organized and clean. If one thing was out of order she would have to fix it. Halle plugged her laptop charger into the wall near her bed and let her computer charge before she started her homework. Her room was an average sized room with a bed, a closet, a desk, and a bean bag that she could sit on to do homework or whenever she wanted too. Halle began to walk out of her room and then quickly stopped. She slowly turned her head to the right and saw a shadow. Then, she ran out of her room. She thought… That was my imagination. That was my imagination. That was my imagination. But what she didn’t know was that it wasn't her imagination. It was her new babysitter. She had climbed through Halle’s window. Halle walked down stairs when she noticed her new babysitter introducing herself to Halle’s mom.
The babysitter said, “Hi, I'm Natalie, I’m your new babysitter.”
Halle responded slowly, “Nice… Nice to meet you.”
Halle mom said, “We’ve met over the phone, but I’m Katherine.”
“Nice to meet both of you!,” spoke Natalie.
Katherine said, “I’m so sorry I can’t stay longer, I have to head out, but you have fun tonight.”
“We will,” said Natalie.
Katherine walked out of the house and waved goodbye as she was pulling out of the drive way. Natalie and Halle both watched Katherine pull out of the drive way. Then they both stared at the car, until the car passed the first stop sign.
Natalie said, “Do you want to go play a game in your room?”
Halle responded, “No! There was a shadow in there and now I’m scared of my room.”
Natalie hesitated, “That, that, that was me.”
“What?! What do you mean?” Halle screamed.
“I was the shadow in your room,” Natalie slowly spoke.
“Oh. What were you doing?!” Halle said still confused.
“I have a mission. My mission is to protect you. I know everybody's dreams in the whole world and I have a mission.”
“What is your mission?” Halle said.
“My mission is to protect you from the babysitter in your dream,” spoke Natalie.
“But that was just a dream.” Halle said.
Natalie responded, “No it wasn’t, it was you seeing the future and tonight your going to meet that babysitter in your dream.”
Halle excused herself from the kitchen and walked upstairs to her room. Whenever she is scared she will start cleaning. She grabbed a vacuum and began cleaning all the dust of her drawers. Then she took all of her clothes out of her closet. She started to refold all of them and make even piles. After she put all of her clothes back into her closet. She took out her journal. No one knew she had a journal, no one would ever know. She hoped. She began writing, “Today has been the weirdest day ever. I don’t know what is happening to me. I got a new babysitter who apparently has mission to help me but non of it makes sense. If she knows everybody’s dream then why did she come help me? She seems nice it’s just why she’s here is weird.” Halle turned her head and saw Natalie.
Natalie said, “I’m not actually the mission I told you about. I’m on the same mission as the other babysitter. To kidnap you.”
Halle felt four taps on her left shoulder.
Katherine spoke, “Halle you need to get up. I already woke you an hour ago. You have a birthday party to go to and your going to be late.
Halle responded, “That was a dream? YAY! That was so scary!”
Katherine said, “I don’t know what your talking about but you need to get ready we have to go.”
“Okay! I’m getting ready!” Halle shouted with joy.
Halle looked up and said, “No babysitter can scare me.”

The author's comments:

This piece is very different from what I usually write. Although I think it worked out.


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