Part Of a whole | Teen Ink

Part Of a whole

July 6, 2014
By coroner SILVER, Middleburg, Florida
coroner SILVER, Middleburg, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

As Rain sits at the bus stop she starts to hear footsteps of some one in the woods. She try's to ignore it but it gets louder and louder. She begins to run home but something hits the balk of her head. She passes out from the impact of it . Rain awakes in a small dark room. Someone comes in and says "wow you are beautiful". "Let me out you fag!" screams Rain. The young looking man steps closer and says " No need for name calling Rain". He gags her so no one will hear her scream as he cuts into her arm with a scapulae. She began to cry and jerk around as he says " what pretty red blood you have" he then leaves the room. Rain looks down at the cut with tears in her eyes. "Why dose this have to happen to me?" Rain try's to scream. The door open to reveal the same man. He comes in and starts to clean the wound. "Sorry sorry " he says over and over agin. Rain looks at the boy but refuses to speak. When the boy leaves Rain starts to cry agin. The man comes in agin. Rain starts to struggle and get away. He gets closer he ungags her and says " I want to hear you scream". He cuts into her arm and Rain let's out a glass breaking scream. He starts to dig into the cuts with his fingers. Making rain cry out louder.

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