idk yet lol | Teen Ink

idk yet lol

May 30, 2014
By dafodyl BRONZE, Dayton, Ohio
dafodyl BRONZE, Dayton, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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ya done goofed

i slowly open my eyes to see saphire standing over me. "rodny get up!" saphire shouted
she pulled hard on my arm. i couldnt move i had no clue what was going on.
"rodny come on we dont have time! get up!" saphire shouted louder
she pulled me up off the ground and dashed for the woods with my hands in hers.
"where are we going?" i asked
"no time to explain!" she said
i stayed quiet and ran behind her. as i looked around i saw trees engulfed in flames falling to the ground and bodies lying on the forest floor. i had no clue what was going on. my mind was jumbled and my heart hurt. saphire ran to a giant metal door planted in the forest floor. she opened the giant metal door and dragged me down the stairs that hid behind the door.
"stop!" i shouted "what is going on here?' i shouted.
she turned around with a look on her face that i cant describe.
"the sky is falling!"

The author's comments:
ive had this idea since the 4th grade just didnt really think it through till the 7th grade never wrote it out till the 9th and now im really working hard on it.

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