Camping | Teen Ink


May 30, 2014
By Connor2000 BRONZE, Elkhorn, Wisconsin
Connor2000 BRONZE, Elkhorn, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a nice evening and two couples were on a double date. Jon and his girlfriend Sarah, who was sitting next to Jon in the booth with her blonde hair tied back in a ponytail; she had a little patch of freckles across her nose. On her left was her boyfriend Jon, who was fiddling with a wrapped straw, he was pretty tall and had short brown hair. Their friends were on the other side of the booth. Brandon, who was also pretty tall and had shaggy blonde hair and was wearing an L.A Lakers hat backwards. This wasn't a very formal double date considering they were at Burger King. They were all just chatting it up, eating their burgers and sipping on soda when all of a sudden Jon’s face lit up. He said very enthusiastically, ”Hey, we should go camping!” The others sort of groaned and moaned.

Jon acknowledged this but just said, “Come on, guys, it'll be fun.”
“Dude, seriously? Camping?!?” asked Brandon.
“Yeah! Totally! We can bring marshmallows and a ball and some mitts and it'll be great! ”
There were some more moans and groans but eventually everybody agreed (pretty reluctantly, might I add.)
Everybody packed up supplies like food, drinks, plastic silverware, but a metal knife because they thought plastic knives wouldn't do it, and a tent. They put all the stuff in the back of Jon’s pick up, strapped it down, and hit the road. The friends headed north to the camp site. It was about two and a half hours up there, so everybody besides Jon, who was driving, took a little power nap. When they arrived everybody was still asleep. Jon was feeling a little mischievous so he turned the radio down real quiet, switched to the heavy metal channel, and then blasted it to full volume. Everybody awoke with a loud scream and multiple punches to Jon’s upper arm and thigh. But he got the silent treatment from Sarah.
Once all the punching and evil eying was over they piled out and set up the tent. Setting up the tent was a bit of a struggle because the directions were very broad, but after a while, the tent was up, and everybody was hungry. They set up the little grill, dumped in the briquettes and lit them. While they were waiting for the coals to heat up they tossed around Brandon’s baseball and had quite a good time. There were some good throws and some downright embarrassing ones, Jon golfs.
When the coals were done they grilled the burgers, served them, poured some soda and ate. While they were eating, they dug a little pit and started up a fire. Brandon whittled some sticks to make marshmallow cookers and they had a great time. It was pretty dark right about then. Apparently, Brandon had drank a bit too much soda because about half way through the sentence he was speaking, he just got up really quickly and grabbed a flashlight. He said , “Gotta pee” and ran out to the woods. He was at quite a run because he really had to go. He was searching for a sufficient pee spot when he found a little pond.
While he was, one might say, relieving himself, he heard a twig break behind him and looked back just in time to see an extremely tall, probably seven foot, man with broad shoulders in a hooded sweatshirt. The man was holding a large axe which he was swinging toward Brandon. The man’s first swing was over his own head and Brandon attempted to block it by putting up his forearm. The axe cut clean through Brandon’s arm, and he let out such a yell, one wouldn't believe it. His second swing was similar to that of a baseball player. Back at the camp, people heard the scream. At first, they screamed also, but remembered Brandon’s sick sense of humor just said, “real funny, Brandon” thinking it was a joke. But, at the pond the man had already buried the axe in Brandon’s left temple.
Back at camp people were waiting for Brandon to walk out, snickering, but it was a good 15 minutes when they started to get worried. They were all coming up with ridiculous theories that he got eaten by bears or something like that, but they wouldn't realize the real truth until they went and looked. This is exactly what they did. They all got up and grabbed their flashlights and went searching. They had seen the general direction Brandon went, so that was where they headed. They walked together in a group for about five minutes before they found the pond. It was quite a sight to see; Brandon was laying face down in the shallow water, head split wide open, missing an arm below the elbow, and the whole mess just smelled awful. There was a horrified scream, then weeping from the girls, and a look of absolute shock from Jon. Holly was crying the most because she and Brandon had been going out for almost two years. Their anniversary would have been the following Saturday. He had been planning to give her a small, diamond promise ring. Sarah was just hugging Jon tightly, softly weeping. Finally, after a few minutes of shock, Jon spoke up and said, “We gotta call the cops”. Jon pulled out his cell phone and dialed 911, but since they were out in the middle of nowhere, there was no signal. They hastily made their way back to the campsite. While they were running, Holly was trailing behind. She tripped on some thorns and briars and got stuck. The others didn’t notice, as they were still running. Holly was stuck there struggling to get free. She heard a twig break behind her and the others heard another scream.

Jon and Sarah thought Holly was behind them when they heard the scream and stopped in their tracks and turned back toward the direction of the scream. When they got there, they saw a horrifying scene. Holly was laying there face up still tangled in the thorns and briars but she wasn't struggling anymore because her neck was cut wide open with blood spurting out in small short bursts, creating a small puddle beside her. The others were too scared to pause in shock and just ran without even thinking.

While Jon and Sarah were running they came across a small path cleared away in the dirt so they deviated from their route back and ran on that. It was a little easier to run this way and they could make a better pace back. While they were running they could kind of see their site because their fire was pretty big and visible. They were almost there when Jon stepped on a pile of leaves and “SNAP” he caught his foot in a bear trap and went down. The trap was freshly set out so the spring was pretty powerful, and it cut all the way down to the bone and broke it, with that Jon let out a scream so loud and abrupt it made Sarah scream moments after. Sarah was trying to get Jon’s leg free when she heard a twig snap behind her but instead of looking back and staring like everybody did she just ran back to the tent.
Meanwhile at the trap Jon was struggling really hard and this was just making it worse on his leg, the teeth on the trap were just digging deeper and deeper into his ankle. The killer saw this and let out a creepy little chuckle. He swung his large axe over his head like with Brandon but this time he didn't need a second swing because Jon didn’t bother to put up his arm and the axe hit home right on his face and split it wide open with blood and flesh and brain matter flying all over the place.

Back at the camp, Sarah was looking for whatever kind of weapon she could find. When she found the metal knives she actually giggled for a second before remembering the circumstances. The killer was already half way across the field, not running just striding, given that he is seven foot tall and most of that height is in his legs, he didn't really need to run. The killer had the axe resting on his shoulder and a large grin across his face. Sarah was getting really scared now so she just hid, but the killer was searching the first tent, luckily she was in the tent furthest away from the woods so that was the second tent he would search. Once he was done searching the first, he moved on to the second one and Sarah could see that because the rising sun cast a shadow on the side of the tent. Sarah saw her whole life flash in front of her eyes. She saw when she first rode a bike, her first day of school, graduation, living out on her own and getting a job at the coffee shop. Seeing this extremely handsome man walk in every morning and order a caramel macchiato double cream and come to find out his name was Jon. She remembered their first date at the movie theater. She remembered meeting his best friend Brandon and his girlfriend Holly who she quickly befriended and they were spending about as much time with each other as they were with their boyfriends. She remembered the death of Brandon, the death of her best friend and finally the death of her true love, Jon. All these events were such happy events and she didn't want to die before she could make a new life and this gave her such a will to live that she did something crazy.
Sarah jumped out of the tent feet first kicking the killer right in the crotch and the killer grunting in pain but then falling herself. She got up and again ran towards the killer and he swung his axe sideways like a bat and she ducked and it missed her by inches. She came back up with a thrust of the knife and it buried in the man’s throat. He stumbled back, lightly groping to where the knife was and where massive amounts of blood were pouring and spurting out and the whole time Sarah had a look of absolute surprise on her face and her mouth was hanging wide open she whispered to herself, “Oh my god I just killed someone.”

A few weeks later Sarah was sitting at Joe’s Diner eating pancakes and sipping on a glass of orange juice. She was thinking about what had happened at the campsite. While chewing a bite a short man with an immaculately tailored suit and a black Fedora walked up to her wringing his hands looking kind of nervous. Sarah looked back and saw this man and exclaimed surprisingly, “Lenny! You look good, still short as ever.”
Lenny didn't even so much as smirk because he meant business. He just said, “Do you have my money?”
“Calm down, I’ll get it to you next week.”

“No, Sarah, I need it now! I hired that guy to take out your friends because you said you’d pay me well and I need it now.”
“I think I should get a discount. You didn't say he would try to kill me too. You're just lucky we decided on those metal knives or else I would've been screwed.”
“You didn't specify,” Lenny said with a sly grin.
“I didn't think I had to,” said Sarah sounding more and more irritated.
“Well, anyway, I need the money now so I can pay this guy to do this thing,” said Lenny.
“Whatever. Here it is,” said Sarah reaching into her purse and getting a large stack of bills and handing it to Lenny.
“Greatly appreciated.”

Sarah finished her breakfast, paid the waitress, and went out to her car. She reached into her pocket, got her keys, unlocked the door, and sat down. She put the key in the ignition and heard a small beep. Next was a huge explosion as her car was engulfed in flames and shook the windows of the diner. A block away Lenny was standing on a roof peering through a pair of binoculars and smiling.

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