Creepers | Teen Ink


May 5, 2014
By Kassidyhannabanana BRONZE, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Kassidyhannabanana BRONZE, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Darkness crept through the woods as the sun fell deeper into the sky. The shadows became longer, and the silence became louder.

The woods sat, waiting in anticipation for the creepers to come out. Every sign of emptiness awoke the fullness of the night. Eyes began to emerge from the darkness, taunting every dreamer. The leaves crunched and the branches snapped in the trees. The night became full of hoots and howls. The silence slowly disappeared and woods came to life.

The fog flowed out from under the rocks, sending a shiver down the forests’ spine. The river swallowed any remaining silence, and brought the night to chaos. The creepers scowled and crawled around the roots that hugged the ground. They swarmed the living and swallowed the dead.

The creepers drowned out the sky with black and brown wings. They shook all the trees and broke into the caves. They screamed and the whistled, they called for a war.

The dreamers responded. They danced from their burrows, tree trunks and beds. They flew from their hives, and got ready to fight. The creepers and dreamers fought long and hard. The forest held its breath as the war continued on.

The dreamers got strong and remained sure to believe in the end of the darkness of the night. The Creepers grunted and gowned, and grew fear for the time that the dreamers would awake.

Time continued and morning awoke. The sun crept into the darkness, and the creepers disappeared into the light. The silence became loud in the empty forest. The dreamers had woke to a new beginning, and the darkness and creepers were gone.

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This article has 1 comment.

Ed14 said...
on May. 7 2014 at 11:28 am
I love this story.