Night Terror | Teen Ink

Night Terror

March 27, 2014
By DarknessFalls PLATINUM, Alhambra, California
DarknessFalls PLATINUM, Alhambra, California
47 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. -Edgar Allan Poe

There was a kid named Nikolai Zeppelin, who went to Crescent Hill High. He had a normal high school life until he started having these weird dreams. One night he went to bed and dreamt of a gothic looking boy with skeleton face paint. The boy would walk through the school hallways like a zombie, making eye contact with no one. Nikolai would have this dream every night, except each time something would change.
Nikolai went to school the next morning trying to find someone dressed similar to the boy in his dream, but he found no one. That night he went home and the dream came again. The boy walked through the hallways, but this time observing everyone who he passed. Nikolai found it very strange how the boy seemed to peer into their souls.
The next night, Nikolai was going to sleep again, hoping to see the face of the boy. The boy appeared again, this time in a class room. He seemed to be waiting for class to end. He looked up at the clock, as if he had somewhere to be, and then decided he could no longer wait. He slowly rose from his seat, and calmly pulled out a gun. He began shooting everyone who he observed the previous day. The boy turned around and his face was revealed. It was Nikolai! He awoke panicking and looking in the mirror. “It wasn't me! I would never do that! I’m a good boy!”
As he was reassuring himself, someone knocked at the door, “Nik its time for your meds.” He opened the door, “Meds?! No, no, no, I’m only 15, I’m perfectly fine, I don't need those.”
Confused, the nurse stared at him. Nikolai began to speak, “I’m only 15! I’m a good boy! I don't need those! I would never hurt anyone!” Nikolai began sobbing and trying to push the nurse out of the room. She called for assistance as she pinned him down, “Nikolai, you are 26! Those terrible things happened years ago! We all thought you were well enough to be taken out of the straight jacket, I guess not.” She gave him his pills and secured him in his jacket.
Nikolai began sobbing again as he looked at his padded walls, “I do not belong here. I am a good boy. I am only 15. I am perfectly fine.”

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