He dug on | Teen Ink

He dug on

March 12, 2014
By That_person BRONZE, Reading, Other
That_person BRONZE, Reading, Other
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

He dug on
Alex looked at the small reflective tool in his hand, before smirking as he looked down at the area the tool was going to be used for. He hummed a familiar song as he used the tool to mark the area before plunging the tool deep into the area, the blade easily piercing the tough exterior and sliding through the softened insides.
Alex dug on, lifting out a large damp mess from its place and threw it to one side as the lumpy muck hit the ground with a wet slap. He then turned to the area, before plunging the blade of his tool back into the gaping hole as the juices squirted out of the sides as he scooped out another sizeable amount of mushy, lumpy muck.
Alex dug on as he threw the pile of muck, placing the bladed tool onto the ground as he reached over to the large pot. He then lightly grabbed the soil that surrounded the red flower and took it out of the pot, before planting it into the damp mud. He finished humming his song as he finished planting it into the ground, before getting up and walking away.
As he walked, he looked back at the line of fresh tombstones with crimson flowers planted in them with a smile.

The author's comments:
Sequal to 'He Danced on'.

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