Wrong Place at the Wrong Time | Teen Ink

Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

January 28, 2014
By cydthekid BRONZE, Glen Burnie, Maryland
cydthekid BRONZE, Glen Burnie, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Back in December of 2001, a haunted house was cleaned up and sold to the Harrison family not ever knowing that their brand new house was filled with evil spirits. It was a cold, snowy night when Jerrell’s parents left to a Christmas party on the far side of town while they made the decision to let Jerrell stay home alone without a babysitter. Jerrell was excited to finally have the house to himself; jumping all over the couches and heating up popcorn in the microwave. When Jerrell finally settled down, he turned the television on and started flipping through each channel until he came upon a scary movie that caught his attention. Jerrell’s eyes were popping out of his head while he was hiding his face behind his blanket when all of a sudden a big bang from upstairs vibrated throughout the empty house. He muted the television to try and concentrate on the silence to hear if he heard anything else. After a few seconds passed by, Jerrell unmuted the television and got right back into the scary movie, munching hard on the popcorn and his eyes still open wide. All of a sudden a loud sound came from outside. The sound of trashcans falling over on the back porch like someone had been there and tripped over them. Jerrell jumped up quick like someone had put a firecracker under his rear-end. Popcorn flew everywhere and Jerrell sat there with his heart bumping out of his chest. He gets up and with each step he takes, a loud creak in the floor distracts him. He finally took off upstairs into his room and locks the door behind. He tried to call his parents, but the lines are disconnected and in a sudden instant, the power went out. Jerrell was in the pitch black darkness and he hid under his bed when all of a sudden the door knob started to twist back in forth. Jerrell was so numb and he couldn’t keep his breathing under control. The person on the other side finally gets into Jerrell’s room and all he heard was footsteps that came closer and closer. All Jerrell could think was, “I wish my parents were here.” Jerrell grabbed his mouth trying not to let his breathing be heard when a hand reached down and touched his foot and pulled him from underneath his bed. Jerrell was kicking and screaming and all he could see was a black SUV driving full speed away till he blacked out from all the panic he had gone through. Jerrell’s parents came home from the Christmas party with nothing but laughs and a plate full of food for Jerrell. They opened the door to find the television left on and all the lights out. They were calling Jerrell’s name and no answer came throughout the house and then they came to the sudden realization that Jerrell was nowhere to be found.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 31 2014 at 9:01 pm
VincentS BRONZE, Bayside, New York
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments
I enjoyed this alot. good job