He's Gone Book Review | Teen Ink

He's Gone Book Review

January 9, 2014
By Anonymous

How would you feel if you woke up and your life was turned upside down? Everything you worked so hard for suddenly disappeared as if into thin air. Dani Keller wakes up like any other morning, except this time turning around and finding her husband not next to her. Assuming he’s gone off to get coffee, she begins her day. As the hours go by she still doesn’t hear from her husband and slowly worry starts creeping in. After calling his friends and family and not getting any information she calls the police.

Everything is spinning out of control and Dani can’t get rid of the nagging thought that she doesn’t remember all of last night. She remembers feeling tipsy from the wine and there might have been a fight with him… The police start questioning her but she has no answers, just a black spot after they got in the car together and drove home. What happened that night, and was it possible that she might have been involved?

He’s Gone by Deb Caletti is captivating all the way from the beginning to the very last page. You keep turning the pages as new possible explanations cross your mind. Calleti does a great job of keeping the suspense and leads to an unexpected ending. A great mystery, He’s Gone is a must read and you will be racing through the pages. After all, what actually happened to Mrs. Keller's Husband?

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