Coraline review | Teen Ink

Coraline review

January 6, 2014
By soapie_p BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
soapie_p BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the book Coraline, by Neil Gaiman, a young girl named Coraline Jones moves into a new, and slightly mysterious, flat in England. Coraline feels very unimportant to her parents because of their lack of attention, because of their new job. After finding a small door within the small apartment, Coraline is transported to a new world that is similar to her own, except everything is how she wants it. Though what startles her is, everyone in this world; has buttons for eyes. At first she is frightened of this new place, but soon comes to the conclusion that all though they have buttons, this place is better than the home she has to live in. Night after night she sneaks off into the different realm andenjoys the feeling of being a catered to by “other parents”, but not all is what it seems. While she is enjoying the spotlight, the “other mother” is plotting to keep Coraline there forever. Once she learns the truth of her intent, she is thrown into a room where she meets the ghosts of past victims of the “other mother”. Coraline then learns that this woman is actually the Bell dam, or “witch” and she wants to eat the soul of Coraline. Once Coraline escapes she learns that the Bell dam has stolen her parents into the other world. She then goes back to the other world to face the other mother into a deal. She agrees and Coralines task is to find the “eyes” of the ghost children and to find her missing parents. After all of the enimes and trials she faces she finally rescues her parents and escapes the evil witch’s’ clutches. After the Witches final attack Coraline goes home and lives with her real mom and dad happy as can be. She then seals off the small door that she used as an entrance into the other world so that this may never happen again.

In the movie Coraline produced and directed by Tim Burton, and re-masters the tale of this mysterious flat. In the movie it tries to go more into detail about Coraline. For example; we get to learn where Coraline was originally from Pontiac, Michigan. That and the story is put more into depth by having a good representation of the other characters. They’re all given good representations of themselves with appearance and voices that match correctly. Every little detail gives the audience a good feel to how this movie was going to be. It was a very good expectance to see what it was going to look like. The movie follows the plot and the original storyline pretty well, compared to other movies. (Hint, hint Twilight) and it is shown correctly. The producers obviously went to a hard process as they had used what was needed in the story, while still making it true to the book.

My thoughts on this story are pretty obvious, I enjoyed it thoroughly and was happy to both read and watch this story. If I were to rate this book I’d give it a 9/10, the only reason that it isn’t a 10/10 is because there are some very minor things that could have been changed. For example; the “partly nudish” part in the movie of the two old ladies is a little much for a PG movie. Though it was meant only to be artistically humourish, it was a little inappropriate. I defiantly think that everyone who likes a good mystery with adventure, then they should either purchase the book, or if they prefer visuals then watch the movie. But you should definantly buy the book so you can experience a mystery that will till the end keep you guessing.

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