The Beast | Teen Ink

The Beast

December 10, 2013
By Emma.Goble SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
Emma.Goble SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To live is not to exist, but for every man to make himself more noble and find his own satisfaction.

The beast lurked through the cornfield, his paws leaving bloody prints in the dirt as the black fur on his withers stood like nails. He had the body of a mountain lion, the face of a glabrate bear, and the fur on his stomach was matted with blood and innards of past victims. Without a single kill in the past month, his ribs had begun to protrude like the highest mountains and valleys that not even the most advanced hikers challenged.The skin from his tail had been shredded, exposing the bone, creating a dark red trail behind him. The beast rose his nose in the air, his yellow cat eyes reflected the stars and the darkness. He was close. The fire in his chest rose, he pushed his body to great speeds. His two inch claws cut through the dirt as he sped towards the one-story abode.
The man laid in his bed, convulsing violently, His chest rising and falling more rapid than normal. He knew he would be safe though. He stared at the wedding ring on his finger, the single diamond in the band reflected the dim lights of the ceiling fan. He remembered the day he married his wife, he was so young. He remembered their six children. He remembered the four bedroom house he had built for the eight of them. He remembered the night after the christmas party when his youngest daughter found him lying face-down on the bathroom floor. He remembered hearing the news that he would never walk again, and pushing himself past his limits. He remembered not being able to sing anymore. He remembered his 64th anniversary. He remembered not remembering.
The beast crept up to the porch of the residence, his back hunched forward as he snarled his long yellow lion teeth. The bedroom window had been propped open. He could smell the pain leaking from the space. He backed away from the wall and focussed in on the glass. He let out a soft growl and shot himself through the barrier. The sound of the shattering glass startled the man, his body shook and he sat in terror as the eyes of the beast haunted his every thought.
The man became angry at the beast, bitterness fell out of his eye sockets, and rage pursed his lips. He rose his stone fist at the beast. The beast growled, berating the man, warning him of the pain he would suffer if he tried to threaten him again, but the man paid no mind to it, he harassed the beast as he shook his fist and threw his head back and forth. The beast pounced on his bed, and pressed his face against the man’s skull, yellow eyes against dark green, his monstrous claws pierced his chest . The man laid helpless. Sparing no time, the beast sunk his yellowed teeth into the man’s throat, lacerating his esophagus and puncturing his carotid artery. The man’s back rose in pain as he gasped for air. The beast shattered his sternum and cracked his ribs, exposing his lungs. It feasted on his entrails and gnawed at his flesh. The man fell into the darkness.

The beast laid next to the bed, surrounded by a pile of blood, consuming the last of his feast.

The author's comments:
Cancer is a female dog.

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