Help Me! | Teen Ink

Help Me!

December 12, 2013
By Anonymous

“Help ‘me! Help!” Xavi screamed as man pulled her into his van. She got pushed into the big black door of a rusted up car. The man hops into the drivers seat speeding down the silent neighborhood. She is crying wondering what is going to happen to her. Xavi, stumbling over her tears, remembers she has her phone in her back pocket. She rips out her phone and dials 9-1-1.

“This is 9-1-1 what’s your emergency?”
“I-I I have been kidnapped. Help me please! You gotta find me! ”
“Call down honey. Where were you when the man took you”
“Uhh, Uhh, I - I was walking. I was walking down to the park by my house. I live in Rosewood, 319 Raven Street! Hurry. Please hurry!”
“Ok sweetie stay on the line with me ok?”
“Yeah yeah.”
“Do you see faint red lights coming from the back of the car?”
“Yeah, yeah i see them.”
“Try to kick them out with your foot.”
“Ok-ok. I kicked it out.”
“Can you see anything? Are you on a highway?”
“Uh, Uh yeah I can see a lot of cars. We are going really fast.”
“ Stick your hand out the window and wave it. Make you hand as big as possible. Try to get other cars to notice you.
“I’ll try.”

As soon as Xavi pulls her hand in from the tail light the car comes to a complete stop. She looks out and she sees nothing. All that is out there are trees and miles of road. Xavi can her the man get out of the car. She quickly just shoves the phone into her shirt so the man can’t see it. The man opens the door and pulls the girl out of the car. She starts crying. The telephone operator can listen to the whole conversation. The man, who is not wearing his ski mask anymore, rips the girl to the ground.

“Why did you do this!?!”
“I-I I don’t know?”
“If you ever do anything like this again I swear-”
“I swear I won’t! I promise! Just please, please don’t hurt me!”

The man picks up Xavi and throws her back into the car. He steps on the gas and speeds right down road. She gets the phone out again crying so much the telephone operator couldn’t even understand what she was saying.

“Are-are you sti-still there?!”
“Yeah, Yeah im right here sweetie.”
“Please! Please find me! Please!”
“We are going to try our hardest. Ok? Im going to try and track your phone to find out where he is taking you.”

Once again, the car comes to a complete stop. She looks out the tail light and sees that the car is by an old house. The car is parked in grass by a big tree. It is not light out anymore. The moon is up and Xavi is scared out of her mind. Running all the casineros through her head. She can hear the man getting out of the car. She starts to cry. The man yanks her out of the trunk. She starts to cry even harder. He yells at her to stop crying, but she can’t help it.Her loud sobs eventually turn into faint whimpers. She can see he has a gun in his hand. He has taken her to a hole. She awakens and finds her self contained in a huge “hole”. As she reaches for phone it’s gone. He has taken it when he knocked her out. She is in a dirt place that is about 300 feet deep and 200 feet wide. Xavi looks around and sees multiple other girls that are sleeping around the place. She rushes over to a girl shaking her trying to wake her up. The girl finally wakes up with a jump. Startled by Xavi. She immediately starts asking every question she is unsure about, “How long have you been here?” “What has he done to you?” “How many girls has he taken?” She whispers all the answers saying we have to be quiet because he is always listening. “What is your name?”, Xavi asks her. “Jasmine.” , she replies. She tells her that he has only threatened them with killing but hasn’t touched them at all. And that she has been there for 2 days. And he has taken 6 girls. They both just sit there quietly talking asking and answering each others questions. One by one other girls eventually wake up too. After time they are all awake and the sit together in a corner all worried about themselves and what their families are doing and thinking about it. The man yells down at them, “I’m throwing down this ladder. One by one you will all climb up and head straight into the house. I will be watching. Try anything, and you're dead. The girls carefully walk straight into house without talking.
Once they all have walked through the door they all wait there with their heads down. After about 5 minutes they hear a door slam from the the back of the house. One girl starts to cry. Xavi quietly calms the girl. Telling her everything is going to be alright. She slowly stops crying. The man walks into the room. They all know he is there but they won’t look up from the ground. The man says, “One by one you will walk down into the basement. I will be walking right behind you. If you try anything you will not only lose your life. You will cost your friends their life too. Your choice.” They carefully, without making any noises, walk straight down into the basement. Xavi was the last of the 6 to walk down. She can feel him walking behind her.
He tells them to go into the room. He then locks the door. they all try to open it but it is impossible. In the room there it is dimmed. It is a completely cemented room. No windows. No anything. The only thing that is in there is a big dresser. They all look around at each other. All wondering the same thing. What is in there? Xavi, slowly opens the dresser doors. It is empty. They wait there for an hour. All of the sudden they can hear people yelling and what sounds like running on the top floor. All of the girls are hoping that the police have found them. Minutes later a woman with a bullet proof jacket comes rushes through the door. She tells them everything is OK and they are all safe and it is time for them to go home. All of the girls hop in the police car and the woman takes them home.

The author's comments:
I like to watch horror and thrilling movies so i thought it would be fun to write a short story

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