After Death Comes Life | Teen Ink

After Death Comes Life

December 12, 2013
By Thuy Pham BRONZE, Lawrenceville, Georgia
Thuy Pham BRONZE, Lawrenceville, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

London Bridge is falling down,
falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
my fair lady...
The sticky ash clung to her back upon groggily sitting up from the prickly grass. Bobbing her head side to side, relief sank in that she had just slept on Mother's bed of sunflower and not a neighbor's lawn. Alice became accustomed to the sensation of finding herself in unfamiliar napping sites every time she woke from her slumber. It was a mundane feeling almost like happiness and love. She liked it, to her it was like being reborn into a second home.
“London Bridge is falling down,
falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
my fair lady.”
The tune ranged in Alice's ear slicing the peaceful atmosphere. “Mother will you turn off the radio!” holler Alice. The melody kept rerunning itself like the blasted thing was stuck on replay. A frown married Alice's face by the fifth loop. Raising her hands in defeat, as a football fan would if their favorite team lost, Alice picked herself up from the whimpering sunflower careful not to inflict any more weight on the demolish flower.
Now all she had to do was turn off the radio, and “Sob.” Cries of agony swarm her backyard. Half an hour ago, Alice's mother was savoring her favorite romantic novel, the next hunched over under pain and fading into despair. On all four, Alice's Mother lifted her trembling hands to her heart. Her eyes were soaked with tears and screaming from pain. Frozen sweat slid down her tormented face as if her insides burnt in grief. Time did not exist as Alice's wails drowned beneath her mother's anguish's howls. “Mother, mother, can you hear me, mother!” As Alice paced her feet closer and closer to her mother's side, she too felt her insides churning for lying motionless on the lush grass was herself absent of her. Alice felt her heart drop, “No, impossible! I'm ali-” The body writhed. Its eyelids were heavy under its empty bloodshot eyes, but it still maintained them wide open to gawk at Alice. The being licked its lips and chant slowly, fancying every word, “ London Bridge is falling down,

falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down,

my fair Alice...

Build you up with hope and trust,

hope and trust, hope and trust.

Build you up with hope and trust,

my fair Alice.

Hope and trust will wither away,

wither away, wither away.

Hope and Trust will wither away,

my late Alice.

The author's comments:
You die by living, but life is just a dream for the dead.

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