Broken Ice | Teen Ink

Broken Ice

November 27, 2013
By molly_wells123 BRONZE, Columbus, Indiana
molly_wells123 BRONZE, Columbus, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone."
- Ronald Reagan.

Broken Ice
I woke up to the bright sun shining through my thin linen curtains. Stretching my arms high above my body, I crawled out of bed. I walked over to the window and opened the curtains to look at the sun when I saw the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. The whole entire field that was my backyard was covered with snow; the leaves had been replaced with snowflakes and icicles, and the snow hadn’t been walked through yet. I don’t think that I have ever seen such a beautiful winter morning. I jumped out of my bed and started running towards my bedroom door, opening it and running down the hallway I almost tripped over my long night gown, but gained my balance back. I found my mother cooking in the kitchen, wearing her long red silk night gown wrapped in her pink fluffy bathrobe. I couldn’t help but almost screaming with glee, “Mother! May I go out and play? Please, please, please!”

She was standing there looking at me pondering whether or not she’ll allow me outside. She opened her mouth to speak and said the one thing that could possibly ruin my mood, “You must take your little sister with you.” My mouth fell open; she knows that I cannot stand to be around my little sister. I closed my mouth and just shook my head with disbelief.
I went up to Julie’s bedroom and knocked on the door, she slowly but surely opened the door.
“Can I help you!?” she said with an attitude. I almost wanted to forget about asking her to come out and play, but I knew if I didn’t ask my mother would get onto me.

“Do you want to go outside with me?” I said with a complete smile.
“What’s the catch?” She asked folding her arms over her chest.
“No catch, I was just curious.”
“Let me grab my coat.” She said sounding uncertain of what will occur outside.
Once we were outside I stood there in awe of its beauty. Julie ran around the house a couple of times, throwing snow all over the place. I walked slowly up to the bridge that was about a mile up the road. Julie was having so much fun I didn’t want to bother her. It took me a couple of minutes but, once I got there I remembered why I love coming to the bridge. The river underneath it is beautiful. It’s frozen with snow covering the top, and the most beautiful winter trees hanging on either side of it. I looked down into the water wondering what it felt like to walk on the river. I saw a small walkway down onto the river that looked unsteady. I was nervous but, my curiosity over ran my nervous feelings. They always say ‘Curiosity killed the cat, but the satisfaction of knowing the truth brought him back to life’. I slowly eased to the side of the bridge and looked down on the steps that where covered in ice and snow. I grabbed onto the side of the bridge and slowly walked down the steps. Feeling my feet shake underneath me gave me shocks of fear. I started breathing heavily which caused the frost to start coming out of my mouth faster. I knew if I wanted to get down there that I had to calm down. I slowly eased myself down to sit on one of the steps, once that was completed without my falling I rested my head along the bridge. I started taking slow, calm, deep breaths, easing my heart beat.

A few minutes had passed before I felt relaxed enough to try again. I stood up with the help of the bridge making sure I don’t fall to my death. I counted the steps to see how many more I had before I was at the bottom of the river. Six steps, I had six steps before I was finally on solid ground again.
4, The nerves started back again, but I managed to get control of myself before things got out of hand.
I had made it! I started slowly walking along side the river looking down at my own reflection. The water seemed so calm and relaxing. So cold and intriguing, I had always wanted to walk on frozen water, maybe this was my chance. The only thing stopping me was the fear of falling through. I looked back to see if I could see Julie and she was just a small black dot in the distance. I didn’t want her to see me because, her being the tattle tell she is she would tell mother about my dangerous activity. I wasn’t thinking of the amount of trouble that I would get into; I just wanted to walk on ice more than anything.
I took a chance; I took one slow step onto the solid slippery iced river. My breathed tightened and I felt as if I was going to cry from fear. I held myself together and placed my other foot onto the river. I was standing on solid ice; I had never felt so free. I had never felt that adrenaline rush that everyone talked about. I understood now why so many people do so many stupid things, it’s for the rush. The feeling that you’re seconds from death and yet you are still alive.
I took a couple more slow steps, the steps that were a little bit bigger, and some that were a little bit faster. Getting comfortable enough with the ice to try and do something a little daring.
I started to pick up a little speed with my steps and then I did something that I will forever regret.

I threw myself into the air and tried to do a spin. The spin was completed but, the landing however was not. I landed wrong on my ankle crashing onto the hard cold ice. My weight causing the ice to shatter, and me to fall through the ice.

The once calm and beautiful frozen river was no longer that, it was now deadly and uninviting, it was now a trap. The sudden feeling of falling through the ice had me speechless. I tried to scream with all my might, but I no sound came out.

I was fighting the current trying to find my way back to the hole in the ice that I fell into, trying to find something to grasp onto, and just trying to keep from dying.

The water was freezing I knew that if I didn’t get out soon, I would die.
The pain that I was feeling was unbearable. It felt as if there were tiny pieces of glass repeatedly stabbing me all over my body. I could feel my body going numb, my lips cracking from the sudden frost bite I had on them. My head became heavy because the freezing temperature of the water had frozen my hair.

I was starting to realize that there was no hope for me. My sister was on the other side of the house, and there was no way she would be able to hear me under the ice.

The last thing I remember was the bright shining sun that I had woken up to today, this oh so beautiful day that used to be my close friend, could be the last thing I will ever see.

The author's comments:
I'm not sure what inspired this story. It just came to me, after reading a horror short story.

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