Blood Howl | Teen Ink

Blood Howl

November 8, 2013
By ego98ortiz BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
ego98ortiz BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.
-Ayn Rand

She ran through shadows night
hoping to hide from the bloody moon
she ran through the woods breaking the wind in front of her after the first howl.
She sweated bullets off of her but with her stayed her beauty.
Closer and closer something creeped
and more and more the moon glowed.
And more and more her eyes glowed
in the dark was when the shadows creeped at night
and as the winds blew the night creped
and a bloody red color covered the moon
Her hair long silky hair fall and slowly followed her beauty
soon came the 2nd howl
And as quick as lighting hits the ground then came the 3rd howl
shining like millions of stars the moon glowed
but the earth still too dark to reveal its beauty
the shadows and darkness sneakily won the night
and like a red sea of blood was the moon
she ran fast like the speed of light, but sadly the shadows didn’t permit it as the night creeped
The force of the wind ran through the night as the trees creeped
and then loud like a siren arose, the 4th howl
the howl became closer and stronger each time the moon
grew. And her eyes green like the forest glowed
and no escape she could find through the night
hair started covering her, and her beauty
Her eyes, body, and hair where her treasured beauty
silently through the night Autumn leaves creeped
nothing but her eyes could be seen through shadows night
he only escape was to leave the forest before the 6th howl
worrying more and anxious to leave followed the 5th howl and blue eyes that glowed
at her and soon after she began to run from the eyes and the moon
She knew she was running out of time, the moon
showed it as quickly as her beauty
left. Her eyes now grew bigger like green stars they glowed.
She fell into a river and the closer creeped
the wolf. Then he let out the 6th howl
then she roared a pitiful sound that shook the night.
Then the blood light of the moon burned her and her beauty.
Her eyes glowed and the water creeped.
She gave the final blood howl, from then, forward she would keep her wolf form every day and night.

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