The Operation | Teen Ink

The Operation

October 9, 2013
By E&#39Lon Mack BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
E&#39Lon Mack BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“3 years have passed since the event. To this day I still haven’t forgotten the friends I lost that day. The brothers I lost. Sometimes all I can think is ‘was it worth it’. Sometimes I think yes but often I lean towards no knowing the plan I orchestrated in my head didn’t go 100%. I……F*&*%*……UP. Money can’t replace friends. They say Money doesn’t change you…it changes the people around you. Well I found out that is pretty true. I have some new friends. But I’ve learned your true friends will never leave you in spirit, even if they have left their physical state. I’ve been lucky enough to still have 2 of the 5 friends here with me. But hey I’ll just tell you the story”

“It was March 10th 2017. The day was standing still. ‘Operation Get Rich’ was close to commencing. I was just sitting in the abandoned house off Spooner Street just waiting for my crew and my phone rang”

“Where the f*&# you at” E’Lon asked.

“Shut yo black a*# up we just around the corner calm the f#*& down cuz we got all the vehicles and s&*# ready” replied Carl
“Get yo cracked out Boobie Miles lookin a#* her already we ain’t got all day”
“K we here open the door”

Finally everybody arrived at the vantage point. Carl, Victor, Antonio, Jay and I were ready. Our leader Ben arrived as well. Well not really leader just operator. Ben was part of our group of friends in High School and he chose each one of us for a certain skill or aspect we all had. Carl was chosen for his getaway tactics. Victor was the brains to help shutdown security cameras and such and to take out the silent alarm. Antonio was used to be the fall guy. If anybody wasn’t going to return with us he chose himself because he could take more heat from cops before getting arrested. Jay was our fumigator. Jay had skills to poison people enough to knock them out but not kill them. Now as for me I was chosen because what Ben always described me as. ‘One to barge in and bark first’.

So Operation ‘Get Rich’ was ready to commence. The time of that day before showtime was 11:02 am if I’m not mistaken. It was a sunny day in New York City and I was nervous as h*&$. Carl was driving a car we stole. Vic and Jay were in the car that had pest control stuff and the wiring to take out security stuff. Antonio was in the back of our car, or more like he was the back of our car with his fat a*& but that’s beside the point. We all had headsets connected to each other.

“I’m so ready for this.” said Jay
“We bout to get rich!” replied Vic
This gone be crazy” said Carl
Let’s not lose anybody today though” said Antonio
Nobody is gonna get caught or killed today” I said

10 minutes passed from that time and it was 11:12 am and we had arrived at the back of the bank. We were ready to drop off Victor and Jay to the construction site that will help them get on the roof of the bank you set forth the operation.

“K Jay get out along with Victor and enter the construction site make sure they think you are both Pest Control. Victor the fuse box for the cameras and silent alarm will be on the North West end of the building and Jay the Vents to fumigate the place will be on the North side.” Ordered Ben

“Ok I’m here” informed Jay
“Me too” said Victor
“Ok Vic you first and Jay when Vic says he is done you will do it next got it” said Ben
“Done!” said Vic

“K Jay go! Throw the cans!” yelled Ben
Jay throws the cans in the building. “K hook line and sinker”
Meanwhile the rest of the crew was ready to enter the building. “10 seconds until everybody should be passed out in the bank. So everybody get ready” Ben told the rest of the crew” “Vic and Jay you will enter from the roof and control the top level the rest of them will get the lower level! And go!”

All of them put on their gas mask and ran out the vehicles. “K we need to hurry up! We only have 8 minutes until cops will show up and we make a clean escape” yelled Ben.

Carl, Antonio, and I all ran into the building shootin’ security guards and blowin’ up doors collecting all the money and sh*&.

“Three minutes left hurry up” yelled Ben
Meanwhile Vic and Jay coming from the roof are catching some heat of their own from the security of the bank. Guns being fired nobody hit yet. “Don’t leave anything left” yelled Jay.
“Got it!” replied Vic.

“One minute” said Ben
“Things were winding down and things just seemed to easy.” E’Lon said with shortness under his breath.

“Change of plans!” yelled Ben
“Aww d*$% 5 0 is here! Yelled Carl
The sirens of the police cars put fear into the robbers heads. The loud sirens sounding like a thousand alarms going off. “Sh*% did they bring the whole da*& SWAT team?” yelled E’Lon “This is some bulls*&%”.

“We gotta shake!” yelled Antonio.
They all followed E’Lon to the back of the bank to get back to the vehicles. The path back to there wasn’t so easy. Bullets flying everywhere. Our robbers ducking behind tables and peaking by walls taking out anybody in their way. The crew was close to their exit to the vehicles and then two cops end up around a corner and Antonio tackles them. “Go on without me!” he yells as his last words before he gets taken down by more cops that showed up.
Jay seeing that couldn’t just watch one of his friends die like that and he tried to make sure the cops that shot down Antonio didn’t come out alive and got taken down himself in the process. “Sh*& we lost them…Just keep going!” ordered E’Lon.

“Once we all reached the cars a stuff we tried to make our escape. Broke through the fence in order to get to the road and cops were hot on our tails. It got quite aggravating. It seemed like every few cars Vic and I shot down, just more would pop up. We went miles driving on highways and making jumps to get away from the cops. But towards the end before we escaped through a big sewage drain that 5 0 didn’t see us get to because we made a huge jump Vic got shot in the head right before we made the jump. He died…even Vic. After killing cops and crashing their cars and everything I still lost my best friends. But once activity calmed down we changed our clothes and put the money inside our backpacks in and walked back to the safehouse.
“We failed” E’Lon told Ben
“Yeah we fu*&*$ up” sighed Carl.
“Yeah partially, but at least we got the money even though it’s a shame the others couldn’t make it” replied Ben.
Then after sorting the money and all with complete silence aside their tears hitting the safehouse floor our criminals set off with their 3 way split of the money with regret on their face to their own respected lives.
“So we all left to our own lives. But every Friday Ben, Carl, and I meet up and visit our friends graves and pray for them. And apologize for them not being with us. Honestly wish I could go back. But honestly it is too late. It’s been a year since it happened and the money hasn’t helped at all. I’ve learned that money doesn’t change you…it changes the people around you unless they are your true friends. Ben and Carl have stayed by my side through all of it and I’m glad for that. Us getting that money finally had us help support our families and to give back to the High School we all learned so many values from. But honestly was it worth it, considering the consequences that came with it?”

The author's comments:
well this is it

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