Labyrinth of Suffering | Teen Ink

Labyrinth of Suffering

October 16, 2013
By Macstew BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Macstew BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She is running, full force, there is no stopping, only forward. The pounding of her heart and the sharp in hales and exhales of her breath overpower all other noise. It is pitch black outside, with only the overcast dim moonlight to guide the way. Her legs are on fire, they burn, but she doesn’t notice while they continue to carry her young frantic state. She turns left, right, left, left. She cries out in horror, dreading how she will ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering. She longs to get out, be home in the safety of her own bed, but all she sees is the endless rows of tall green stalks of corn. She begins to lose hope. Her legs are beginning to give out. She stumbles once, twice, and is defeated, falling to the ground. Her breaths are more prominent than ever, blood pounding through her head. She hears them now. Their footsteps are echoing, closer, and closer. She can’t get up. A shadow is above her. All black, she can’t see their faces. Dirty hands reach out to grab her….

The young girl abruptly sits up, huffing in and out. A cold sweat is evident on her body. Just a dream. She continues to breathe deeply to calm herself. She just tries to remind herself ‘she is home, in her bed, and safe.’ Reaching out to grab her sheets for comfort, she becomes confused. Her hands are not full with the warmth and protection of her blankets, but of dirt. She takes in her surroundings. She is trapped. Will she ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering?

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