The Mind's Betrayal | Teen Ink

The Mind's Betrayal

September 10, 2013
By Mac Menkes BRONZE, Coquitlam, Other
Mac Menkes BRONZE, Coquitlam, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

True!-- nervous—very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? I stand here quietly in society's Aidenn waiting for the horror to consume my soul. I stand here enveloped in the shadow of my mind, the sounds of silence creeping up behind me slowly causing the beating of my heart to grow stronger. I slowly walk forward not knowing where I am; not knowing where I'll be; but knowing the pain will forever find me. There! Ahead! I see a flicker of light through the wall of black. I stumble towards this wall of mystery but wait! What is this to catch my eye? I see what appears to be a small grotesque rodent gnawing at something I cannot describe, straight from the depths of hell here in society's Aidenn.

I stand here questioning this supposed reality; is this real or am I being betrayed by my own mind? NO! That is not possible. My sanity is my one true love; the one thing holding me here, holding me to my reality. The Flicker of light slowly becomes brighter and I see a sight which I cannot bring myself to believe. I am standing here looking at my own corpse. My body had been ripped apart by these fowl creatures, my arms are gone, my legs severed, my eyelids devoured, and my insides burrowed for a mid-night snack. I start to run back: back to where I thought I knew but as I run my mien of terror becomes surprisingly more quaint and peaceful. The idea of myself being dead, lying there as alive as the darkness in the mid-day sun. There is no way I am lying here colder than the ice formed on a cold winter's eve. I am here walking about feeling the moss between my fingers and the rain hit my skin and run down my body just to be soaked into my clothes. The dreary air blows against my skin calming my hysteria.

Now harken! For my every word breathes only but truth. I will not be taken by the clutches of Death himself. I implore I am not dead! GOD DANM IT! I AM NOT DEAD!!!

I see the Bust of Pallas which I had seen every fortnight when I had travelled to my one place of true happiness, the one place away from this hell disguised as God's gift to mankind. As I slowly pace towards the statue I realize it is moving away from me equal to every step I make towards it. How could this be?? Harken! Harken! I plea to you this cannot be real, maybe a dream, perhaps a hallucination: maybe I am dead. Maybe I should accept this fate which is placed here before me ever so clearly... But how?

I AM here! I AM here witnessing, experiencing, and being horrified by these events which happen before me. This cannot be real! THIS CANNOT BE REAL! WAKE UP! I MUST WAKE UP!There is no way I am not alive, lying there as food for that awful hideous creature. That creature with its eyes as red as the fire with the depths of Hades, with skin which looks to be riddled with disease, and with the teeth made to shred your skin from your bone, your soul from your body, and all chance of peace after death. Then I see my body being ripped in to edible pieces of rotting flesh and bone to pleasure its sick need thus ruining all sense of obeisance. I cannot take this any more! I need out! I must get out! Wait! I hear something. Perhaps a voice. Thinking I just heard the word death muttered through the midnight air, I become paranoid and I can no longer think straight. Then I hear it again, but clearer than the last. As I ponder upon the thought of insanity I hear “Death is the only escape, Death is the only way out!” repeating and I am sure of its existence, but I have clue to where the sound holds its origin. Am I imagining these voices? Has my mind been true to me for the last time? I must get out of here! I cannot live this nightmare any longer.

I sit down under a tree to regain my breath. A tree that in the spring bears the most beautiful pink blossoms but in these gloomy winter nights it casts the shadow of a killer. This tree when naked from the cold holds within the memories of the many people hung upon this tree many years ago. As I sit under this tree my consciousness eludes me and my surroundings grow dark. Reality has betrayed me once again! I cannot take this any longer! I must rid my self of this place! As I am thinking about my escape i still hear those cold, fearful words whispered through the night air “ Death is the only escape, Death is the only way out!” These words begin to haunt my every thought. “DEATH” “ESCAPE” “DEATH” ESCAPE” these words appearing in front of me as if they are real taunting me. I must escape. I must free my mind, so I grab my old jagged pen from my pocket, then pen my father gave me before he died. I write the words that have brought me to this dreadful demise upon my wrist and dig the tip of my pen at the edge of my wrist and I rip it through my arm. I start to watch the blood from within my body escape from its world as if this reality is taunting me once again, forcing me to watch as my life pour outs my arm. Everything turns numb and I begin to feel this sense of tranquillity. I have finally escaped this horror i was cursed to live.

The author's comments:
Edgar Allen Poe is really the only author I have ever enjoyed reading. I hope you enjoy this story I wrote on All Hallows Eve last year in honour of the late and great Edgar Allen Poe

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