A train ride away | Teen Ink

A train ride away

September 9, 2013
By Anonymous

October 17
8:00 pm

I'm so tired of this place. I have figured out my dads problem. He wants me to live out his dream. Not my own. I just need to get away. I need a break from this stupid football team, and this stupid school.

October 18
9:30 pm

I've finally decided what I need to do. I need a break from my dad controlling my life. I can't go to a single party, or ever go hangout with my friends without him telling me, "Andrew you're throwing a way your future," or "Andrew you need to listen to me, I know whats right for you. This is your senior year, college scouts will be at your games." I don't even like football. I actually hate it. I just want to play my guitar which I am actually very good at. I want to be in a band, but whenever I bring it up to my dad he says that it will get me no where in life and there is no point of even trying. So I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to catch the next train from Colorado to New York. Tomorrow, I'll get my friend Jake to pick me up and I will pay him to bring me to the train station. Should I leave my parents a note? My mom deserves to know where I'm going, but not my jerk dad. I guess when I get to New York I can call my mom so she isn't worried sick and have the cops go after me or something. Also, so there is no turning back and no way they can change my mind. All I need now is money. I will ride my bike to the ATM at 5 am, and get all my money that I've been saving up from working at my dads car dealership. Oh great, he's calling my name right now.

October 18
10:00 pm

Okay, if I wasn't for sure about leaving, I am now. My dad just yelled at me about how I'm worthless to him at the dealership, and how I don't even try in school. My mom, as usual, just stood there and watched him attack me. This time he threw a plate at me, but I dodged it and yelled at him that I was quitting football and moving away to play guitar. He then started running toward me. He punched me so hard, and for the first time my mom started yelling at him to stop. My nose was bleeding so badly. Thank you dad, for making my decision final I'm leaving and never coming back.

October 19
6:30 am

This is it. I've packed all through the night. I have food, clothes, and most importantly my guitar. Right now it's 6:30, and Jake should be here any second. I probably should've told Jake about my plans, but I know he wouldn't go through with it. Finally, he is here. Ill keep writing when I get on the train...hopefully I'll make it that far.

October 19
10:00 am

Yes! Jake dropped me off at the train station after I begged, and begged. He definitely wasn't too happy with me though. Oh well, my plan is working, and I will be in New York probably around 9:00 pm. What I'll do from there I have no idea, but I better catch some sleep.

2:00 pm

I just woke up to a note in my lap...it said, I know where you're going. Like okay is this supposed to scare me? Ha whatever. So, I stepped out to go get a drink and I see a man in the corner of my eye staring at me and when I turned around he was gone. I walk towards the cabin he was in, and look inside and nobody was in there. So I thought maybe I'm seeing stuff, maybe I'm just paranoid about leaving. So I stopped, got a coke, and headed back to my cabin to go back to sleep. Another note was there on my seat. This one said, are you sure leaving your parents was a good idea? Then suddenly the lights went out. Okay I admit it, I was a little scared. I tried to open my cabin door, and it wouldn't go. Suddenly I heard the train screech to a stop, and a hand grabbed me.

7:00 pm

I didn't know where I was at the time. I was freaking out. All I could think about was how I was going to get killed, or what they were going to do to me. I couldn't remember anything. The person that took me must've put something in my drink from the train to make me not remember. I soon realized where I was. I was in something moving, and my hands were tied up. It had to be the trunk of a car, because it seemed to be moving pretty fast. I panicked and started screaming which probably wasn't a good idea, but what else was I supposed to do! After no response I remembered my phone and tried to put my hand in my pocket. It wouldn't reach. Suddenly the car slammed to a stop. I hit my head so hard against the wall, it knocked me out. I'm guessing about 10 minutes later I woke up. I was sitting up in a chair. I had a blind fold on and duct tape around my mouth. I was trying to scream, but my the duct tape would not come off. I heard someone talking so I stopped screaming. It was a woman. The voice was so familiar, but sounded so far away. The voice stopped and I heard footsteps. The woman ripped off my blindfold. She had on a black ski mask and an all black suit. She then ripped off the duct tape, and I asked who she was and what she wanted. My voice was so shaky and I was trying so hard to fight back tears. She didn't answer so I kept asking and finally she took the mask off. It was my mom! I was so surprised, scared, and confused. I didn't even know what to say, but ask why. She would not talk at all. I was screaming at her to tell me what she was doing but all she did was stare at me. I begged her to untie me from the chair and she just pointed to the ground beside me. When I looked it was my dad laying on the ground. Dead or unconscience, I had no idea. I was so scared I couldn't move. I just closed my eyes and prayed. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door, and I opened my eyes. I was in the train cabin.

"What!?" I thought to myself. I was still so scared, I was shaking. I looked around the train, and then at my watch. It was only 11:00 am. It had just been a dream.

The author's comments:
Short story

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