White | Teen Ink


June 21, 2013
By itsmargie SILVER, Mequon, Wisconsin
itsmargie SILVER, Mequon, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I couldn’t recall a time when didn't’t wake up before sunrise, carefully dress in a suit and tie, and slick my hair back into a perfect masterpiece; all of which seemed like they were never exposed to a single ray of natural light. The office was more like home than anywhere else. The building doors slid open and I was exposed to the silent glow of an April sunset. I took a moment, and breathed it all in. This was the most sunlight I’ve seen in weeks. What seemed like a perfect night, quickly evolved into my worst nightmare. My moment of bliss instantly succumbed to the grip of that familiar piercing voice.

“Ah, Frank Manderin! How are ya?”

Christ. Exactly the one person I would never want to see again in my lifetime. After leaving Christopher Sully in Chicago, I thought all my problems had dissipated. The CPD was off my tail and this reckless presence was out of my hair. Now, here he is, right outside the 78 story office building which held my business, leaning on my BMW convertible like it was all his. What a joke. He couldn’t even afford a bicycle. “Hands off the beamer, Sully.” I approached the car, trying not to be affected by his presence. There’s no way I am handing him the power to affect my schedule.

“My mistake, ol’ pal. Tell me, how’s that business of yours? I mean, given the economy, it’s strange how things are still booming. Then again, you have a pretty addicted stream of customers.” He stated, still relaxed and leaning against the blazing red car with a devilish twinkle in his eye.

“I don’t believe that is any of your concern.” I could feel blood rushing to my face. He is the only man that can instantly fill me with anxiety and rage. I threw my briefcase into the trunk and slammed it shut, imagining that Sully’s head were there to prevent the trunk from latching shut and keep him from taking another breath.

Christopher finally backed off the vehicle and crossed his arms. “Pipe down, I was talkin’ about the real estate.”

“It’s grand. I have a meeting to attend, so if you would excuse me.” I said as I quickly paced over to the drivers side door and began to shut the door. Before I could drive off, my passenger side opened up. Like God himself, Christopher moves into the car, not phased by the life he almost ruined.

“I see how it’s gonna be.”

I could feel the beads of sweat racing down my temple.

“What do you want from me, Sully?” I asked.

“You know exactly what I want.”

And I did.

“Listen,” he said as he laid a hand on my shoulder. “I don’t want the past to come between us. We were a team. A great one, at that. What do you say? Can we give it another shot?”

“If you want to keep that hand of yours, I suggest you keep it off of me.” My patience had run too thin.

“Just give it some thought. We could do some great things together.”

“Fine. Get out.”

As Christopher Sully exited my vehicle, I came to realize what I’ve never considered before. He has given me an opportunity to go back to the past, and seal it forever. He hadn’t gone far, so I immediately dialed Sully’s number and watched as he stopped dead in his tracks. He picked up his cell, turned around, and with a grin on his face answered the call that would inevitably lead to his own demise.

“I had a feelin’ you would call, ol’ pal.” Sully said.

I knew he had an agenda, but he didn’t know I had one too.

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