The SHADOW of the Grand Canyon | Teen Ink

The SHADOW of the Grand Canyon

June 1, 2013
By Anonymous

Act I, Scene I

(Scene opens to an open plain. This plain is bare. Nothing on it but hard, dry dirt. There is also a small shed at the very edge of the plain. The camera scans this plain. The camera stops and zooms in on Fredric. Fredric is digging up all of the dirt. Well, at least trying to. The dirt is very hard, and Fredric is very sweaty.)

ROBERT: (comes out of shed and walks over to Fredric.) Hard at work I see, Fredric. It’s been a little over two hours. I guess you deserve your pay. (pulls out three one-dollar bills) Here you go. Keep the extra dollar. I think I am being a little generous today.

FREDRIC: (panting and looking up from his work into Robert’s eyes.) Please Robert, have a heart. Can’t you please spare me a few extra bills? I have been working very hard, and I barely have any money at all. Why, I can’t even have a good meal with the money you have been paying me.

ROBERT: Oh, stop whining Fredric. You are lucky I even took you in. You have no college degree whatsoever, and this is the only thing I could sign you up for in the police department. You should thank me. Besides, it isn’t my problem that you cant save money.

FREDRIC: I can not lift another finger! I’m going home.

ROBERT: Fine. Only three dollars. If your happy with that amount, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.

FREDRIC: Goodnight, Robert.

ROBERT: See you in the morning.

(The camera fades. Now we see Fredric, in his small cottage. He is reading a newspaper. There is a small coffee table next to him, a tall brown one. On the coffee table is a cup of tea. The wall paper is a very peaceful shade of green. There are pictures on the wall of him on certain trips he has taken. Each one shows him with a hiking stick and hat. But the camera doesn't focus so much on the inside of the house as a whole. It focuses more on him reading the paper and drinking tea. But the camera does scan the inside of the house before it focuses on Fredric. The camera stays on him reading the paper and drinking tea for about 3 seconds, and then the doorbell rings)

FREDRIC: (looking up from his paper) Who is it?
(camera zooms out, so that we see the door of the cottage and the Fredric sitting in his chair)

BANKER: I am an official representative of the bank. Open the door, sir.

(Fredric gets up and opens the door. Camera sifts to just focus on the two men at the door.)

FREDRIC: Is there something I can do for you?

BANKER: Yes. I bring some bad news. (he looks at a report printed on a piece of paper he is holding) You have not payed your full rent in over three months.

FREDRIC: I know, and I’m sorry. It’s just my boss doesn’t pay me enough. I will get the money soo-

BANKER: Sir, I’m sorry. I am not required to listen to your excuses. I am required, however, to take action on this.

FREDRIC: But surely, you aren’t going to take away my house?!

BANKER: I have to. You must be out of here by tomorrow morning, or else we force you out.

FREDRIC: You must be joking!

BANKER: That’s just how it is. If you don’t keep up with the rent, you pay the price. Now, I bid you good day, sir. I wish you the best. (puts his hat back on and walks off. Before he leaves, he sticks a Foreclosure sign in the front yard. Fredric sighs heavily and slams the door behind him when he goes inside.)

(The camera fades on a shot of the front of the cottage. It is a brown small cottage. With a new addition to the front lawn. We now see Fredric in his room. He is backing everything he can in a medium sized backpack. The backpack is blue. A darkish blue. He does this until the backpack is full-about 4 seconds- then he zips it up, grabs a wooden hiking stick-as seen in the pictures-and a hat-also in the pictures-and goes downstairs. The camera follows him all the way to the door. He walks to the very edge of the sidewalk and looks back at the cottage.)

FREDRIC: Goodbye, old friend. I’ll miss you.
(Fredric walks down the sidewalk away from the cottage and the camera fades.)

Act I, Scene II

(Scene opens inside the police control center. The workers are all busily working, and Robert is standing in the middle of it, with his arms crossed. Suddenly, Messenger rushes in.)

MESSENGER: Mr. Marcos, it has been done. The bank has just taken the cottage of Fredric , upon your request. They have all of the final paperwork in their office.

ROBERT: (uncrossing his arms) Yes! He’s gone. The man I hate is gone for good! This is the best day of my life! He’s gone. (screaming at the workers with happiness) GONE!

MESSENGER: Is that all, sir?

ROBERT: (turns to face him) Yes, that is all. Thank you so much!

MESSENGER: Then I bid you goodbye. (exits)

ROBERT: (turns to Worker) Quick! I put a tracking device on him yesterday. Let’s see how far he is!

WORKER: Yes sir. (pulls up a map on his computer) Wow. He is already out of California.

ROBERT: What? He can’t be! It hasn’t even been 24 hours!

WORKER: It says here that he has already entered Nevada, and is nearing the Grand Canyon. (the map starts to go fuzzy and then shuts off completely) Uh oh. It looks like he discovered the tracking device.

ROBERT: No! We must stop him! He’s doing too well without a job or house. We need to cause misery for him. Send a whole fleet of our best planes and helicopters to find him. NOW!
(The officers get up quickly and start preparing a fleet. the camera shows them outside with all of the planes and helicopters. Once they are all ready to move out, Robert comes outside. He gets in a private helicopter and the fleet takes off. We see them each take off into the air. The camera stays at ground level until every one of the planes and helicopters have taken off, then it shifts to a view of the planes and helicopters. We see them from a front angle, as if we were looking right into the faces of the aircraft. Then we zoom in on Robert in his private helicopter)
ROBERT: (over loudspeaker-to other aircraft pilots) We must find him. At all costs!
(camera fades)

(Now we see Fredric, looking up into a sign that says WELCOME TO THE GRAND CANYON! He smiles, and walks though an arch. He is walking through a campsite. It is a really forest-like campsite. He is walking on the road and humming to himself for 4 seconds. Then the camera shifts to Robert. There should be a cool transition there. Robert is in his helicopter, when he suddenly pots the sign that says WELCOME TO NEVADA.)

ROBERT: (excitedly) Thats it! We’ve reached Nevada! (into the loudspeaker) Keep a close eyes out for him!
(scene switch)

FREDRIC: (hears the fleet and looks up) Oh look, its an Air Show!

(The fleet starts shooting flaming bullets at him)

FREDRIC: (yelling) What the-I’ve gotta get out of here!
(he starts running and the planes chase him, still shooting. the camera shifts to inside Robert’s helicopter. No transition.)

ROBERT: (in loudspeaker) We’ve got him! Keep shooting, you fools!
(Fredric funs into a big forest)

ROBERT: NO! We’ve lost him! Lower the fleet and search everywhere!

(The fleet lowers, to the level near the top of the trees. The people see Fredric running. They try to catch him, but the fleet cannot go past the trees.)

ROBERT: ARGG! YOU FOOLS! (He jumps out of his helicopter and runs after Fredric. The camera shows him running through the forest at a side view. When Robert gets somewhat close to Fredric, we see the chase by looking down onto the forest.)

ROBERT: You will never get away from me!

(camera starts shifting between runners at ground level right after Robert’s line)

FREDRIC: (looking behind him) Robert? It can’t be!
(he picks up a medium sized rock, whirls around, and then chucks it at Robert. The camera now shifts to the view where he can see the rock going straight towards Robert’s head. It hits him, and he fall to the ground unconscious. Fredric runs off.)

(camera fades, on a shot of Robert lying on the ground.)

Act I, Scene III

(The camera opens to us seeing Robert walking cautiously around the forest. He is both looking for Fredric, and looking for a way out. He is lost. But you couldn’t see that by looking in his eyes. In his eyes, there way only the trace of revenge.)

ROBERT: (suddenly remembering) Wait a minute-I have a radio on me! I can call for backup! (he presses the button and speaks into the intercom) Hello is anyone there?

WORKER: (after a couple of seconds-out of the speaker) Sir, is that you? We’re here!

ROBERT: Good. Now listen. I want you to come out of your aircraft. Search the entire forest for Fredric. We MUST find him.

WORKER: Yes sir.

(Robert puts the radio back in his pocket and takes a few more steps forward. Suddenly, he spots a clearing. With joy, he runs out of the forest.)

ROBERT: Ah, so this is where you went. You are not as smart as you think, Fredric!

(We now see Robert’s face, looking in astonishment at something in front of him. Then, the camera shifts to the viewpoint where it is scanning to rows of a bunch of campsites. The camera stays there as we see him walking towards the rows.)

ROBERT: (walking in between the two rows and looking at the campsites) Now let’s see. Where would you be hiding?

(He goes past about twelve of them. And then he finds what he is looking for. Fredric’s cane is leaning up against the tent. The camera shows Robert’s evil smile first, and then it shows the cane leaning on the tent.)

ROBERT: Haha! I’ve got you now! (starts walking towards the tent)

CAMPER ONE: Excuse me, but this is private property. Please leave now.

ROBERT: (taking out a pistol and pointing it at Camper One) Back off, you idiot. I am not here for you.

CAMPER TWO: Please! Take your gun away from my husband! What do you want from us?

ROBERT: (not lowering the gun) Oh don’t play games with me! I know you are hiding someone in this campsite! Hand him over or I’ll shoot!

FREDRIC: (emerging from the tent) Leave them alone. I’m the one you want to kill, not these innocent people.

ROBERT: You are correct. I want nothing to do with these two. (motions to them with his gun)

FREDRIC: (to campers) Flee here at once! This doesn't involve you.

(the campers run out of the scene without a second thought)

ROBERT: (looking at Fredric) Now then, to deal with YOU!

FREDRIC: What did I ever do to you?

ROBERT: You married my daughter. And then you killed her in a car crash! The poor girl was only 25.

FREDRIC: That wasn’t my fault! We fell madly in love, and then a car rammed into us in a tunnel.

ROBERT: Being your father-in-law was bad enough. But for my daughter to die, that’s another thing indeed. You took away everything I had. Now you will pay the price. (draws sword from belt) I will get my REVENGE!

(Fredric grabs his walking stick just as Robert is about to cut his head off with his sword. They fight for a little while, and after about 8 seconds of this, Robert trips while trying to dodge Fredric’s sword and falls head-first into a fire pit.)

ROBERT: Ahhhhh! My face is burning up! Ahhhh!
(he tries to pull out, but Fredric takes his head and shoves it back into the burning coals. He holds it there for about 2 seconds while Robert is screaming in agony)

ROBERT: AHHHHHH! (he shoves Fredric aside and emerges from the pit, with his hands clenched over his face) My face is on fire! My face is on fire! HELP!

(He continues this pattern of walking backwards and howling until he reaches the edge of the Grand Canyon. With one last howl, he trips and falls through the air into the enormous canyon. Fredric grabs his stuff and flees the campsite. After he leaves, the camera travels from the campsite to the edge of the Grand Canyon, and right over the side to a ledge where Robert is standing. His face is reddened and burned.)

ROBERT: (with his back to the canyon wall, looking up) I will get my REVENGE!!!

(camera fades. End of Act I)

(take a 5 minute intermission, with cool or other horror or opera music playing in the background)

Act II, Scene I

(The scene opens to a lively day in Grand Canyon Village. People are walking around, enjoying treats and culture shows, and much more. Then the camera shifts to a corner of the village. A shadow is reflected on the ground, and thats all we see. It is the silhouette of a man, with a cloak on. Then, a couple is walking out of a store near where this shadow is standing. They spot him, and they scream. But by the time they turn to look in the direction of the scream, the couple is already laying on the ground, dead. The see the last glimpse of the attacker’s cloak as he vanishes over the edge of the Grand Canyon. As a tourist was running to try and get a better look at this guy, his black hat falls over the side of the Grand Canyon. He turns away just as an arm reaches out and grabs the hat before it hits the ground.

Act II, Scene II

(Fredric is sitting in a bar, and he has had too many shots. He starts telling the bar-tender his story when he asked for it.)

TENDER: So, where did you come from Fredric?

FREDRIC: (drunkenly) I’m from California. I walked here all the way from there. Give me more wine, my good man.

TENDER:(pouring more wine) How did you walk that far.

FREDRIC: I am very good at it. There is this guy who was chasing me.

TENDER: A guy was chasing you?

FREDRIC: Ya. He had this whole fleet of ships after me, and other junk. I stopped him though. He’s sorry now.

TENDER: What did you do?

FREDRIC: I killed him. He was trying to murder me, so I killed-(suddenly coming to his senses) wait, why am I telling you all of this?

TENDER: Oh, believe me sir, I won’t give you up. But your story is interesting. It kind of sounds like something the SHADOW would be involved in.

TENDER: The SHADOW? The SHADOW of the Grand Canyon?

FREDRIC: Is that a person?

TENDER: You mean, you haven’t heard? It’s all over the village! There is a mysterious figure lurking around here, and in the Grand Canyon. He has already committed two murders, and he’s out for more.

FREDRIC: Oh no. Maybe I can help look for him. Blow his cover.

TENDER: Impossible I’m afraid. No one alive has actually seen the SHADOW. All they have seen is his shadow. Everyone else has been killed off.

FREDRIC: I’ll go report to the security woman straight away! (getting up and running out)

(the camera fades on a shot of the bar tender pouring out the drink, with a shrug)

Act II, Scene III

(The security guard comes out of the huge watchtower. She locks the doors. But what she doesn’t notice is a shadow creeping up behind her. We see his cane sneaking up to her head. And then it whacks her. She becomes unconscious, but only for a second. But by the time she came to her senses, it was to late. She was being thrown over the side of the Grand Canyon. She screamed,and the SHADOW grabbed the watchtower keys, and unlocked the place. He ran in just as people were crowding around the watchtower)

FREDRIC: (running up to the watchtower) What happened?

TOURIST: The security lady has been murdered!

FREDRIC: I can’t believe it! How is it possible? Who would do such a thing?

TOURIST: (looking at the watchtower) The SHADOW would.

FREDRIC: Can’t we just burn it down? I mean, we can kill this SHADOW before he commits any more murders.

RANGER: No. We can’t burn this place. It’s to valuable. And when it falls, it will make a manmade crater at the bottom of the canyon. This SHADOW is looking for something, and he found exactly the right hiding place where we cant get him.

FREDRIC: Can’t we at least ram the door down? We have to kill him. Before he gets to the rest of us.

RANGER: Nope. Out of the question. We can’t do anything to this building. It is way too valuable. If we stay down here, then we can eventually stake him out. He will starve to death if he doesn’t come out soon.

FREDRIC: We can’t wait that long! We have to get in there.

RANGER: I’m sorry sir. We must do this properly. You regulars wouldn’t understand the value of the buildings and landmarks here.

FREDRIC: Well, let me know when he comes out.

RANGER: I’ll do that sir. Keep checking in.

FREDRIC: Fine. I will. (walks way)

(other people start walking away. The camera travels up to the inside of the top story of the tower. A shadow is reflected on the side. The camera fades.)

Act II, Scene IV

(A bunch of people are standing around the watchtower. One of them is the Ranger. Fredric walks up)

FREDRIC: So has he come down yet?

RANGER: Nope. But he will soon. Just watch.

(the camera shifts to the SHADOW. He is making himself comfortable and putting the finishing touches on his new bomb shelter. It is a very cozy room, with a couch and a violin. He picks up the violin and starts to play.)

RANGER: (camera shifting back outside to where Fredric and Ranger are talking) Ahhh. Listen. Listen to that beautiful music!

FREDRIC: Will you pay attention? We have a killer in there!

RANGER: But he is such a wonderful musician.

FREDRIC: Oh, shut up!

(The camera shifts back to the bomb shelter. The SHADOW puts down his violin. He opens the canopy of the shelter. He starts to light dynamite and throw it on the story above him, and on the ground below him. When he has used up all of his dynamite, he closes the roof and sits down, bracing himself.)
RANGER: What’s that?

FREDRIC: What’s what?

RANGER: Those red lights flashing in the watchtower.

FREDRIC: (suddenly realizing the situation) MOVE!!! (jumping back)

(The dynamite explodes with defining sounds. Kaboom, crumble-and whatnot. The building starts to fall. It tips over and plummets over the side of the Grand Canyon. At the last second-before the watchtower goes too far-the SHADOW jumps out of the shelter and grabs onto a ledge. We see him clinging to that ledge, with his cloak swinging in the breeze. But before anyone has time to do anything about it, he is gone.)

RANGER: The watchtower!!!

FREDRIC: That’s it. He has gone to far. I am going to kill this guy. While he lives, no one else can. (runs off)
(black out, scene ends)

Act II, Scene V

(Scene opens to path for tourists to enter into the Grand Canyon. Fredric goes down there. We see him going down into the Grand Canyon, and we see him stop after walking for about 7 seconds.)

FREDRIC: Alright, SHADOW. Show yourself if you dare!

(A shadow starts to creep up behind Fredric’s shadow.)

FREDRIC: I would know you anywhere, (starts to turn around fast and hits him in the face) ROBERT!

ROBERT: (gets smacked in the face by a walking stick) AHHHHHHH!

FREDRIC: So your still alive, huh? Well, I’ll be happy to kill you again. And this time, I won’t make any mistakes this time!

ROBERT: I’d like to see you try it! I will finally get my revenge!!!

(Start a huge battle-the final one. After a while, Fredric attempts to shoot Robert, but he misses. Robert laughs, and the Grand Canyon starts to cave in. The two guys fall in with the canyon.)
ROBERT & FREDRIC:(as they are falling) AHHHHHHHHH!
(scene fades with the words THE END on the screen)

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