Wild Wonders of My Mind | Teen Ink

Wild Wonders of My Mind

April 22, 2013
By KayE.K. SILVER, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
KayE.K. SILVER, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Without music, life would be a mistake.

"Arrrgggg! Blah poo pah!" came the muffled voice of a young boy through the door. Why did my mom have to be a mental therapist? Couldn't she have chosen to have a normal job, like a teacher or a nurse or something? I had to come to her office every single day after school, and when you're trying to do homework from AP classes, it doesn't work out well. "Rrrarggg!" came the voice again. I clenched my fists. How could I ever get anything done in this environment? Why couldn't my mother give me a key? I was 16 now, didn't she think I was responsible enough? And just like my best friend Marissa said, my mother was way too protective.

"Gragthde!!!!" went the voice again. That's when I heard it. The sudden scream of panic in my mother's voice. The sudden thud of a body crashing to the floor. Then, the sudden movement of a person walking out of the door and walking like a deranged zombie down the hall, luckily not in my direction. I walk slowly to the heavy metal doors of my mom's office. There, lying motionless on the floor, cuts on the arms and blood dripping from them, laid my mother. A little device was beside her, one that I have not seen before. I hurry to check her pulse, my heart pounding rapidly as I knelt down beside her. It was beating. I found a phone and called the police. They showed up moments later. My mom was airlifted. A few moments later, someone grabbed me. I struggle, but it was no use. Here I am in a dark room, hearing things all around me, or is it just my imagination because I was so paranoid? Either way, it was scary.

Then I felt a warm cloth on my forehead. What was this? Some kind of sleepy medicine? I sat up and there was my mom, without a single scratch, sitting on my bed. She looked relieved.

"Mom! You're okay! What did he do?" I asked impatiently.

"Clarissa, sweetheart, what in the world are you talking about? Are you feeling alright?" my mom asked, puzzled. How could she not remember? It was impossible. Had my mom turned into a mentally disabled person herself?

Seeing my worried look, my mom then said "Sweetie, you hit the ground pretty hard yesterday. You should get more rest." my mom advised. Hit the ground? Maybe I was the mental person. How did I not remember any of this? I shrieked in rage, and my mom looked terrified. I couldn't seem to stop no matter what. I kept on screaming and screaming until I heard sirens outside on our driveway. Immediately after, a group of men and women came with a stretcher in my room and took me. It was like being captured all over again. I struggled and squirmed to get out of the car they took me into, but it was no use. They had me completely paralyzed. I then declared the world cruel, no was on my side. I didn't care. It was the world against me.

I feel a sharp pinch on my arm, and here I am still in this dark room. I struggle to remember my dream. Who in the world was Clarissa? I'm a boy. Do I have a sister or someone in the family I have never met before? Quickly pushing that thought away, I turn my attention to the sudden pinch I had felt. Or did I just jerk awake? I stood up, desperate for any light source. People said that dreams or nightmares, were the dreamers' fears. And that's what caused little children to scream and cry for their parents' at night. Well, I'm definitely not a little kid anymore, and this is not a dream, but it sure is a nightmare, a real nightmare.

"Clarissa! Focus on your lines, honey! Our play is in two weeks! Chop-chop!" My Theatre teacher, Mrs. Hugdarsky said. I had come back to the face of the earth. What weird thoughts I had, thinking I was a boy. This is reality, and my name is Clarissa Monroe I thought. I was a boy character in the play, a part that I specifically had not volunteered for. I always aimed for the lead roles, and in this case, the maid who fell in love with the prince. They end up getting married, and at the end there is a very dramatic kissing scene. Well this year my boyfriend, Cody, decided to pull a prank on me by putting my name on the Prince audition sheet, instead of the Maid one. He thought it would be a funny prank, and at first I did, too. Then the day of the auditions came. Mrs. Hugdarsky, who seemed to be a hundred years old, called my name. She didn't care which gender I was and she threatened me that she would give me detention if I didn't do it. She also claimed she knew how good I was and if I faked this audition, she would make me go to the principal's office because of inappropriate use of freedom of signing-up. I auditioned and when the cast list-up was posted, there was my name, Clarissa Brianne Monroe, right next to Prince Cole. I was stunned. What kind if sick person was Mrs. Hugdarsky? There was a crowd of people surrounding the list-up and they were pointing and laughing at me, the most popular girl in school. I then immediately ran into the girls' bathroom and started crying. How could she do this to me? After a few minutes, I wiped my blurred mascara off my face and went to find Cody. He had been looking for me, waiting to apologize. He told me he was so sorry and he never knew it would turn out this way. I told him he was a jerk and that I never wanted to see him again and when he tried to kiss me, I pushed him away and with tears rolling down both my cheeks, ran off. The memory of the incident hurts me when ever I think about it, and I feel like as if I'm about to cry now.

"Clarissa,you may go now. Good work today," said Mrs. Hugdarsky.
I packed my belongings and opened the door only to find myself face to face with my Ex, Cody. I wanted to call him a jerk, stupid, and dumb, but I didn't. I had missed him so much. So instead, I ran into his arms and hugged him with all my might and kissed him.

I am still wondering who this girl Clarissa is. I struggle again to remember the dream I had just witnessed. A girl, with brown eyes and chocolate brown hair with a little wave, just like mine. I have know idea what time of day it is. Possibly noon? The reason I think so is that I see some sunlight through a very strange crack in the room. I walk over to the suspicious part of the room where the light had caught my eye. The crack was big enough to put my hand through, so I did. I pulled and the crack shifted.
It's a lose crack I thought. I pull with every muscle in my body. The piece of drywall fell to the floor. I peer through the hole in the wall and look into a simply elegant room. Where in the world am I? I wondered.

I clenched my head in anger. Who's perspective was I seeing into over and over again? It had been like this for a couple days now. I shrugged. It was probably because I was worn out from studying so much. No need to get upset over it, I thought. I turned my attention back to Cody. Sweet blonde hair, and a perfect figure, he was as dreamy as ever.

"Woah there clarissa. What was that about?" He demanded.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart. I was just so upset. You're the sweetest guy I know. Let's go catch a wave, hun. How about that?" I said, filled with tears.

"Let me go, I have a girlfriend. You told me we were over! And we are! Get out of my way, Ashley's waiting for me." He said so briskly he almost knocked me over.

"A..Ashley Hansen? Cody, ho..how could you?" I said in a barely audible voice. I collapsed on the ground, and then Cody kneeled by me.

"Clarie, I would never let you go. I was just messing with you. I love you." And then he gave me a long kiss. I didn't want it to end. But then he pulled away. "I talked to mrs. Hugdarsky. You're the maid, and babe, guess who the prince is?" He asked in the sweetest voice.

"You, you idiot." I said, and then gave him another kiss

Where am I? I wondered. I didn't have time to think for very long. All of a sudden three men bursted through an unidentifiable door in the room. A syringe was stabbed into my neck and in the blink of an eye, I was no longer standing. The three men shoved me into a chair that was bolted to the floor and put my hands into cold metal cuffs. The one man threw the key on the floor with a smug look on his face. I awakened later to find that the cuffs were taken off but somehow I am still fastened to the chair. The key is still on the ground along with the cuffs. But on the floor lays another key. What the heck... I thought. I tried to stand but ended up flat on my face! Ankle shackles. Just great. I screamed in my head. If I could only reach the key... I thought. Dang it! The key was just out of my reach. Just then the three men came pounding through the door. A long needle was shoved into my back and forearm. I felt the cold bloodthirsty liquid from the syringe pour through my veins. I felt my bones turn to gelatin. I was released from the shackles but disposed of in another dark room.

I tried to forget about what I had just seen, and Cody and I decided to go catch a wave at the beach. So I put on my cutest bikini. That probably wasn't proper attire to go surfing, but hey, we loved it. I was riding my board when Cody let out a muffled scream, and he was calling my name. I looked over next to me, but he wasn't there. "Cody!" I yelled, but there wasn't an answer. I paddled as quickly as I could over to the lifeguard but he wasn't there. Then I remembered. Cody, my sweet Cody, was the lifeguard. How could he disappear like that? I flopped down on the beach and cried. I was getting hysterical when I lifted out of my own body. I looked down and there I was, hysterically crying. Yet how could I be looking down at myself? Looking down at myself! I was in the air! In the sky! And before I knew it, I was in a mansion. "Clarissa Monroe, do you wish to save your love?" A mysterious voice bellowed. Then I completely zoned out. I was a different person. A boy version of me. All of a sudden I was on my lawn. On my old lawn, where I had lived with my mom. His old lawn. But I was the boy. I walked inside to see what looked like a dump. Papers and garbage everywhere. I walked up to my mom's room. I hadn't seen her in so long, after I had been imprisoned. She was looking off into the distance, dark circles under her eyes, almost as if she was in a trance. I hugged her, and she jerked and screamed but then went back to the state she was in before, staring off into the distance, without even looking my way. "Mom," I said, "it's me, Jeremy."

My mom fell over, frozen and I let out a sob. "Mom!" I yelled! Weirdly enough, I was then lifted into the sky and I was lifted out of body, and guess where I ended up? In a mansion, with the same voice bellowing "Jeremy Khud, do you wish to save your love?"

I had know idea where I was. "Jason do you wish to save your love?" the voice bellowed at me. Jason! Jason. Jason is my name! Why couldn't I remember this before? I wondered. This isn't making any sense! I thought to myself. Do you wish to save your love... My love. My mother. I need to save my mother. How did they find her? I worry with panic. I try to talk but I can't speak. My body is vibrating wildly. They have me under their control. They have me completely paralyzed. I glance around for my mother but she is nowhere to be found. I'm restrained to a chair and the three men come and hit me on the back. I am completely blacked out. I need to save my mom! I screamed inside my mind, all the while trying to fight against the darkness that keeps pulling me under. Will I ever get out of here! My mind screamed. I need to scream but I can't find my voice. They can stick whatever they want into me, but that won't stop me from finding my mother! I thought.

They've finally found Cody just as I come back to the face of the earth. I hug him with all my might and I black out. Who was the kid, Jeremy-Jason? Why am I having these visions and why do I feel like they're my memories? My mom was a mental therapist, had she become one to help me when I became mental? Did she know? Was I mental? These questions flooded through my head and I then lost consciousness, never to get my eyesight back again.

I awake later to find that I can move. I stand up and feel the enclosed walls around me. The ceiling was just low enough for me to touch with the tips of my fingers. I punch the ceiling with all my might and tons of drywall fell to the floor. Three men burst through a door. But I already fooled them. I climbed out through the ceiling and was already running down a hall. As soon as I turn a corner I run into another boy. I reel back my fist ready to strike.

"Stop! Who are you? Don't hit me!"

"Jason. You?"

"Jeremy. Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find my mom."

"Well good luck getting out of here. This place is a dark one."

"I'll keep that in mind,"

I run down the next hallway and feel the walls enclosing on me. I am never getting out of here. I thought.

When I gain consciousness, everything around me is black. Then cody asks me, "Clairie, are you alright?" as if I was the one that fell in the water. Everything else around me is silent, as if I was in an isolated room. "Clarie, you blacked out while you were surfing. I got you and took you here, and you have to stay just for tonight, and then you can go home. With me. I got a house for of us along the beach." He said. I hugged him tightly, but to my despair, found myself hugging the air. "Cody?" I asked. "Clarie,

I'm right here. Why are you hugging the air?"he asked. "I...I can't see, cody. Everything is pitch back." I said wearily. "the doctor's on his way," he said. "Until then, get away from me!" he said sharply, and walked out the door. What had I done to make him be like this? What was wrong with me?

The walls are still closing in on me. Already prepared to smush me into nothing but dust and blood. I find some stairs leading to an upper level of this fun house. I escape quick enough to not be smushed to bits by the walls but find myself in a more terrifying situation. Right smack dab in the center of the room was a chair bolted to the floor. This was the same room that I was first in. Right there, just in front of the chair, lays the key to the cuffs and the key to the ankle shackles. The piece of drywall that I pulled off of the ceiling lays on the floor still. I peer through the crack in the ceiling and look into the simply elegant room I had seen before. I stick my hand through the crack once more and pull with every strained muscle that I still have. Millions of pieces of drywall collapse to the floor. I heave myself up into the room. I look for a door but there is no sign of one. There is more here than meets the eye. I thought.

I woke up in my bed. Had all of that been a dream? It was a fine morning, sunshine and everything. I was feeling good, too. I then looked over to my side. There lay a book called "Wild Wonders of My Mind". That figured. I must've read it, gotten scared, and had nightmares. I was sure glad it was over, and a few moments later, I fell back asleep.

The author's comments:
This story was written by my best friend Jeewon H. as well as me, we wrote it together and it is completely original. It was very fun writing this and I hope everyone enjoys it as much as we did writing it!

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