Fight | Teen Ink


April 11, 2013
By Sarah.Davis BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Sarah.Davis BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"As long as it hurt none, do as you will."

Usually when people think of the zombie apocalypse; they think they`re going to survive. They think that can fight back and win. Truthfully, I thought that to. But, I know better now. The zombie apocalypse is nothing to take lightly. Nothing to get excited about. I saw my whole life crumbed to pieces in a few short hours. My name is Chloe Mason. I was ripped of a good future, a life that was in the suburbs with a husband and kids. That was taken away for a lot of people. I don`t understand how I thought I could handle this.

I`m a wreck. I cry inside because I can`t control what I`m doing. I am a monster. I thought the zombies were monsters, but I`m the monster. The fights between the others drive me insane. They expect me to lead them, but I hardly lead myself. I try so hard not to break down and just let the zombies take me. To give in, just one wrong step and I could be free. Away from it all; away from this apocalyptic world full of stress and paranoia. But I have a group of others who need me. So I fight; fight for them.

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