mystery | Teen Ink


March 22, 2013
By Anonymous

"Hey do you think I can catch this Timbit in my mouth?" Said Detective Laceman
"20 bucks on that!" Said his old high school pal Locks
Laceman threw it up and right on its way down his phone blurted out with a police code. Laceman payed Locks.
"You should have been a cop, you are good at eating doughnuts" said Laceman
"No, cleaning the old folks home is the best!" Locks said in sarcasm
"Well I got to go to the station for a meetin"
"See ya"
Laceman slowly made his way down to the station. Asking himself if he had violated any codes lately to get kicked off the force. He continued to reassure himself as he walked in the station. He went to his desk where a beautiful woman sat. She was quietly sobbing. Laceman silently said "score". He sat down and listened to her and she told him about how her father was kidnapped. She then continued to talk about his medication and how his mind was failing. But Laceman blocked out what she was saying. He kept thinking that if he found her father then he would get a date.
He then thought back to a similar case two years ago. A women came in and her mother ran away. Her mother sadly drowned to death in a pond while she was crossing over it in winter time. Laceman had gone by himself and retrieved the body so she could have a burial. Laceman ended up marrying the woman named Sandy and they just had a rough divorce. "That won't happen again." Whispered Laceman.
He met up with Locks at the bar. Where he told him about the woman and how beautiful she was, then Locks reminded him that that was his ex-wife and he hated her. He said it would be ok if he asked her out. Locks reminded him she wasn't right, but he didn’t know.
Laceman went to the Women’s basement to inspect what happened. It looked as if the victim was dragged out of the window. He then noticed that a piece of clothing was on the broken glass. It was the same fabric as locks had on his uniform.
On the way home he saw a van passing through the intersection with a man struggling in the back. He couldn’t see the driver, but knew the van. It was a plumbing van. He chased after it, but nails were thrown out the back. He popped his tires.
He was outraged. He went home and selpt it off. He then went to the station and called to meet with the owner from the plumbing company. As the old man approached his desk he knew this lead was cold. The old man said that was him in the back struggling with some connecter pipes and some supplies fell out since that back door is old.
Laceman went to Locks. He confronted him about the fabric and Locks denied it. He then said he has to clean his home since his ex came over and trashed the place.
Laceman then thought about the divorce. Locks recieved half of Jenny's money who was the beautiful woman. She was always saying he was going to pay.
He called Jenny and asked to see the place where her father had been kidnapped. Her father had been dragged through the window that was already to small. Ere was no blood. He noticed a womans shoe print. He saw it was a womans because it was the sole of the womans skcechers shape ups. Jenny said those were hers when she was cleaning the mess. But theyhad been dried for days.
Later that night he recieved a call from a hotel of a old man causeing a scene. He went and comfronted the old man. After ten minutes he realized it was Jenny's father
He returned the old man and went back to the hotel. He inspected the room and found red lipstick. Just like Jenny's. He asked who payed for the room and it was under Jenny's companys name.
He immeasurably had Jenny arested. Who said it was her all along. She wanted to frame Locks to pay for the money he had gotten.

The author's comments:
i liked writing this

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This article has 4 comments.

on May. 21 2013 at 12:16 pm
laxsdogbro3 SILVER, Grand Rapids, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments
totally agree letsd hangout and meet one another

on May. 21 2013 at 12:15 pm
laxsdogbro3 SILVER, Grand Rapids, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments
i think your wrong and should fall down stairs

on Mar. 28 2013 at 4:44 am
SkylaRaeven BRONZE, B.C, Other
4 articles 0 photos 6 comments
I find it's pretty choppy and doesn't flow very smoothly. I think if you reorganize and expanded it, it could be alot better.

on Mar. 27 2013 at 7:29 pm
sleepy_shock SILVER, Grand Rapids, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment