Taylor's Journal Day 1-3 | Teen Ink

Taylor's Journal Day 1-3

January 23, 2013
By Anonymous


Gosh, i have no idea what to write in this. Well i guess school starts today. Uhm i guess ill write more later.


Im back. School was pretty uneventful. I met a new guy, Jace. Kinda think hes cute. I doubt he noticed me. Oh well, Mom wants me to do laundry so ill write more later.


I wouldve wrote something this morning but i woke up late. School was boring and Mrs. Lions, my pre calculus teacher, has already assigned a project and 2 homework pages. Oh and jace has every class with me. I thought it was bad enough Stacy Loreza has every class with me because shes a huge teachers pet and she hates me. Every teacher besides the Gym teahcer believes everything she says and she always gets me in trouble. I already have 2 detentions. Plus, Jace was watching both times. Whoopie. I wonder what he thought... Anyways, i have to go take Kimmie, my 6 year old sister, to dance practice. Bye.


I feel kinda sick and im ready for school 30 minutes early. Kimmie was throwing up so im making her stay home today. Mom's leaving for work in like 10 minutes and shes going to give me a ride. Its raining right now. I cant wait to see Jace. But of course if i see jace ill also see Stacy. Oh well, Mom's leaving early, bye.


Me and Jace are partnered up for a project in English. Hes quieter than i thought hed be. Oh, but i learned he has a brother named Jayden. Jaydens a Freshman and when i saw him walking down the art hallway i found out hes super hot. Apparently he started school a few days late because he had to move here from Alaska. But its weird, Jace and Jayden look completely different and it seems like they act different but they get along so well. Anuways, more on the project. We have to find out 50 facts about the other person in 50 days. Today, i found out he has a brother named Jayden and he found out i have a sister named Kimmie. Uhm, well thats all i have right now, bye.


When i went to the Mini mart down the street i saw Jayden. I wanted to know what he was buying but he kept it very well hidden. Oh well, its not my business. Wha--? I thought i saw something outside. Kimmie was talking about seeing someone outside her window, in the backyard, last night. Of course i didnt bel---! I saw it again... What is tha--? This is getting weird. I guess im gonna check on Kimmie in a few minutes. I wonder-- Kimmie!...

The author's comments:
This is just a small part. I have a bit more but i thought this was a good cut off point.

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