Atmosphere | Teen Ink


January 14, 2013
By David Whyham BRONZE, Whitmore Lake, Michigan
David Whyham BRONZE, Whitmore Lake, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A defiled forest of gnarling thorns and mirrors. Instead of trees, one would find large, spiraled placements of charcoal colored thorns laying all around the forest. Broken segments of mirrors floated all alongside the thorn trees, so content, yet so scary. It might look like a forest, but your gut would tell you otherwise. There was no grass, or land for that matter. Everything below the thorn trees and glass segments was nothing but empty whiteness. The sky was like its evil twin, so dark and soulless. It was a twilight forest, filled with questions and yet no answers of any kind. If one waited for sometime, the thorn trees would shrivel until they disappeared into nothingness, and large flowers would appear. The sky would turn white and the ground would turn black, however, the painful reminder was still there. Mirrors would surround the patient, revealing a picture of what one thought of themselves. The patient would stare into the mirrors soul and soon everything would fade. Blurring visions occurred and an old man stopped waving his hypnotic watch. What was once a crazed vision, turned out to be one's mind.

The author's comments:
This was a piece we were assigned that was supposed to focus on the setting.

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