Alice | Teen Ink


January 11, 2013
By Tikapeek BRONZE, Waterboro, Maine
Tikapeek BRONZE, Waterboro, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Alice sat. Everyday it was the same. He would visit her and no one believed her. He was a strange man, but Alice was in no position to judge. His long hair fell just past his shoulders and his nails needed a good trim. He always wore the same clothes. A long black jacket, dark pants and black boots. Oddest of all was the hat he wore on his head. A deep purple top hat with the oddest collection of pins and feathers.
He would walk through the door and sit at the table. He would pour them the tea, Alice was used to it now. Alice knew she should be afraid of him but over time she started to trust him and, that was just what he wanted.
"Alice, I would like to show you a new world. Do you trust me?" he asked, making sure his intentions were not known. She hesitated for a moment before nodding her head. He got up and politely pulled out the chair for her. She followed him to a small coat closet.
"Trust me" he said flashing her a smile to try to calm her nerves. "Close your eyes and take a deep breath" he coaxed. She did as she was told. He opened the door and helped her through like a gentlemen.
She felt very silly but she knew he had only good intentions. She opened her eyes and her breath caught in her throat.

Chapter 2
The sky was a eery almost green color and there were flowers that stood eight feet tall. A bee flew by that was the size of a dog.
"Am I mad?" Alice asked taking in her strange surroundings.
"Maybe" hatter replayed laughing.
"What is this place?" she asked. She had never seen anything like it before in her life.
"What is it?" he giggled "well it's what ever you want to be." he replied still laughing to him self.
"You live here?" Alice asked. This world was amazing, she was too stunned to speak.
"Ya, right over there." he said pointing just over the horizon. "Come, I can give you a better life." he repeated extending his hand.
She heisted for a moment before taking it.
They walked for a short wile before coming to a small run down house.
"chez hatter" he said pointing at the house that was almost in runes.
"it's, very quant" she said. It reality the door was too small for the doorframe, the windows were different sizes and each shutter was a different color. The roof was starting to cave in.
He helped her up the uneven steps and into the main room of the house. Alice looked around, her eyes wide with shock. Right in front of the door was a grand stairway that stretched into the upper levels of the house. The door frames were perfectly aligned with the doors. The walls seemed to go on forever before finally reaching a ceiling.

"Its...its beautiful" She finally managed to say. She glanced back at the crooked door hanging off the broken hinges.
"Your room is up here" Hatter said taking her hand and pulling her up the stairway and through a long hallway. He stopped at a unusually small door.
"Here you are my Alice" he said pushing her in the room.

Alice looked around. The room was dark, gray paint covered the walls and ceiling. A broken bed sat in the corner of the room next to a wooden chair. A grimy window allowed little light to shine in.
"Hatter? I think this is the wrong room" Alice called as she turned back to the door.
"Oh no my dear Alice, this is correct. Your mine and I shall never lose you again" He called back. Alice heard the soft click of the door locking her in. The soft sound of footsteps told her that he was gone.

Alice walked over to the bed and sat down, she started to cry. She had trusted him. She cried until she had no more tears to shed and she fell asleep.

The author's comments:
This is just a first part. Its not finished yet. I would really appreciate it if you guys could criticize this. I really want to improve my writing, just please don't be mean.
Thanks :)

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