Death of the Next Generation | Teen Ink

Death of the Next Generation

January 9, 2013
By Anonymous

Death Of The Next Generation

“Hey, mom,”Jackie said with a smile on her face.”You think you can read mShawwnetta a story?”she said while looking at her sister.
“Only if you promise to leave me the hell alone after.”she said, while rolling her eyes at her daughters.
“ We promise!”
The mother began to tell her story.
“Once upon a time, there was a girl about 17 or 18 years old. Her name was Annalise
Dementia Mitchell.”
“What the hell kinda name is that?”Shawnetta said, looking at her mom curiously.
“I don't know, I didn't name the girl, but I do know if you curse around me again, you gonna find out what a pan also can be used for besides cooking.”
“Love you,”looking down with her hands folded.
“Yea, mmhm.”

“Now, where was I”the mother said, trying to get her train of thought.“Oh yea, so Annalise

wasn't your average teen who lived in East L.A. She was someone who you would call a loner, someone who stays to themselves. Annalise did live a great lifestyle. Her father was a multi-millionaire and her mother was a gorgeous model who was loved by everyone. Annalise really didn't live up to her parents expectations. She was more of someone who stood on their bed and read a book or two. Annalise was a senior in high school, but just because she was a senior in high school doesn't mean she had the good life. Annalise was hated by everyone, she wasn't normal, and was out of place. The other seniors teased her, mad fun of her clothes, her hair, even the way she look. They would say comments like:”

‘‘How is your mom so beautiful and your father so handsome and yet they birthed such an ugly child.’’

“They tormented her making her feel like nothing. One night Annalise was walking home from school. She could barely see anything, everywhere was too dark. When she was just about to step off of the street to cross over, it happened. She was struck by a car (ferrari enzo) at 217 miles per hour. After she was hit she died in an instant. the one who had hit her got out the car and hid her body in a faraway place where no one can ever find her. She was never heard of again.’
“Oh my gosh, that sounds terrible.”

“You don't even know the half of it. A few years past and all those seniors who had bullied her, have grew up and had kids of their own but all their kids was in high school. One day a mysterious new student transferred into the school in the middle of the school year which was highly irregular.”

‘‘who's the new girl?’’
‘‘I'm not sure?’’

‘‘good morning class,’’ the teacher said,while making the students drop their conversation. ‘‘Today we have a new student. why don't you tell the class your name.’’
‘‘Why certainly, hello everybody my name is Xanterra Boone, and i am so looking forward to having a great senior year with you guys.’’
“The whole class thought their was something seriously wrong about her, but they decided to pay no mind to it. The next day Xanterra Boone went to the administration office to ask for the listing for all the students that are inside her class.”

‘‘Here you go, may i ask why you need need this?’’
‘‘Oh, because i haven't really learned the names yet, and since i'm new, the students didn't really

want to tell me so i'm taking matters into my own hands.’’

“The administrator didn't bother to ask why so she just let it be.”
‘‘Thank you oh so very much.’’

“Then Xanterra walked out the office with a smile on her face. When Xanterra was walking down the hall going through the list of classmates in her class, when she gets bumped.”
‘Watch where you're going loser.’’
‘‘A loser am I? just out of curiosity what is your name?’’
‘‘Why do you need to know? its not like its any of your business.’’
‘‘You're right, it is none of my business, but still the teacher asked that i learn everyone's name, so yea.’’
‘‘Isaiah Rodriguez.’’
‘‘And is your father Malcolm Rodriguez?’’
‘‘Yea, why?’’
‘‘No reason. Thank you for your cooperation.’’She walks away with a devilish smile on her face.
“This was perfect for Xanterra. you can say she found the first on her hit list. Before i get into that i should tell you the reason why a young girl who noboDayever met before not even that young boys parents be put on her hit list? The simple matter of it is because Xanterra Boone was basically the reincarnation of Annalise Dementia Mitchell. It was like Xanterra can see everything Annalise went through in her past life from the life to she had at home, to the people who bullied her in school. And so happily her visions led her to knowing all the names of the teens who use to bully her in high school. Xanterra was so excited to start her little game but the catch to the game was she will be the only winner. She had her own set rules on how to play. She started to talk to her self in deep thought on how the game is going to go:”
‘‘Lets see now, if i kill off everyone on this list in the next 24 hours i win. But that really doesn't matter anyway because they all will be dead eventually and i still will win hahaha what fun.’’ She laughs humorously while walking down the hall. ‘‘This is going to be fun.’’ licking her bottom lip with eyes of insanity.
‘‘Now lets see, how should i start?’’ Thinking to herself with a hand under her chin for support.
‘‘I know, i can play a mind game, but that's not really damage, so it wouldn't be as much fun as it should be.”
She gasped.
‘‘I know exactly what i'm gonna do now. This should be an interesting event.’’
Bell rings
‘‘Oh i guess its time for class now, let the games begin.’’she said while skipping down the hall.
Xanterra is sitting at the back of class monitoring her prey. She takes out a sheet of paper and starts writing but it definitely wasn't class notes.
Dear Isaiah Rodriguez,

i just wanted to tell you that i had a crush on you since i first saw you. Some people would call it love at first sight. I want you to know that i think you're extremely cute and totally my type i would do anything to be with you. If you want to know who i am meet me after school in the teachers when everyone has left and i promise i'm not ugly either, so you wont be disappointed in many ways than one.

sincerely, your secret admirer

She folds the letter in half ,and when the lunch bell rang she will slip in his desk. After school couldn't come any quicker. The anticipation of it was getting her so excited in both ways. Its like she was lusting over it, over the feeling of taking his life. She couldn't wait to see the expression on his face when he is squirming on the floor begging for mercy. The bell rings signaling school ending. Everyone has dispersed from the premises, well except Isaiah Rodriguez. It was time for Xanterra to make her move. Isaiah walks to the teachers room and works his way in.
‘‘Hello anyone here?’’
“slam!!”the door closes behind him.
It was dark in the room and all he could see is the figure standing in front of the door.
‘‘Oh, hey you scared me. Was you the one who put this letter in my desk?’’
The figure didn't make a sound. As he stepped closer she stepped back farther.
‘‘Listen about this letter i'm really flattered but---’’his words was cut short when he saw the girl had a steak knife in her hand that was reflective of the moon.
‘‘Hey what are you doing with that?’’he said, as he backed up in fear.
Xanterra stepped out of the shadows revealing herself, leaving the total shock on Isaiah face.
‘’May i ask you a question Isaiah?”
‘‘W-what?’’ trembling in fear.
‘’Would like to play a game with me?’’
‘‘What kind of game?’’
‘‘A game where you won't make it out of here alive.’’
“W-why will i want to play that game?’’backing up against the window while she moves closer to him until she’s in front of his face.
‘‘Because silly you don't really have a choice in the matter.’’
‘‘I don't get it what did do, is because i called you a loser?’’
A huge grin lightened up her face because she has forgotten all about that.
‘‘You see i was going to make your death fast and quick but now that u mentioned it, i don't think that's suited for you.’’
‘‘Please i'll do anything, just name it.’’
‘’I want you to die for me,’’ she said, while smiling with the biggest grin she have ever made.
Xanterra knocks him to the ground, injecting a needle in his leg making him numb all over, well except for his neck. She had plans for that. She began to carve the name loser on his throat basically slicing the veins in his neck making the blood drench and seep out. She love the sight and smell of it. She licks it off her fingers savoring every tasteful moment. She says to herself:

“Now that's what you call good penmanship,”she said, smirking whiling looking at the great work she has done to the young boy.
‘’I guess this mean now i have to dispose of the body. What a pain.”

To make her job less annoying, Xanterra got a big butcher knife from the schools kitchen and decided to cut the boy limb from limb and into a hefty bag.
“Xanterra was having a little trouble because the bag was heavy, so she had to drag from the school to outside in the front yard. She dug a hole in the ground with a shovel, don't ask how she got it because i don't know that my damn self.”

The author's comments:
since I'm more of a poet type person i wanted to change things up a bit so i decided to right a thriller/mystery i hope you guys like it. Oh by the way its not really finished yet and i don't know if i should. you should tell me what you think i should do.

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