Halloween Horror | Teen Ink

Halloween Horror

December 14, 2012
By Thomas Mooney BRONZE, Evansville, Indiana
Thomas Mooney BRONZE, Evansville, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

October 31st is a day filled with fun and sweets for all kids willing to dress up and go trick or treating. Matt, Brian, and Zack preferred the trick part of trick or treating. They were all 18 and loved to trick everyone possible on Halloween, but this Halloween they tricked the wrong person and paid the ultimate price.

“Hey Matt, are you ready to go crazy tomorrow night?” Brian asked

“Yeah, and I have some good ideas on what we can do.” Matt replied

“Like what?”

“I think we need to go egg Mr. Burgundy’s house.”

“Are you insane? He lives in the middle of nowhere; plus I have heard that he sets traps in his yard to catch anyone that comes to his house on Halloween.”

“Hey guys, what are you talking about?” Zack questioned

“Oh, I was just telling this chicken here that we should go egg Mr. Burgundy’s house tomorrow night.”

“You’re joking right? If we do that, Mr. Burgundy might actually try to kill us. The man is insane.” Zack explained

“Wow… So both of you are just gonna stay home and do nothing this year?” Matt questioned

Look I will go with you but I refuse to throw an egg.” Zack said

“Yeah same here.” Brian said

The next day all three boys prepared for Halloween. Matt seemed considerably more excited than the other two. Matt was usually like this though. He always seemed excited for everything they did. They all loaded up into Brian’s brand new 2013 Jeep that he got for his birthday. They began their drive to Mr. Burgundy’s but did not drive all the way up to the house and proceeded to walk the rest of the way.

“Alright, let’s do this! God I am pumped!” Matt yelled

“Yeah we can tell.” Brian stated.

Mr. Burgundy’s house looked like something from a horror movie. The grass was overgrown, vines were covering the house, and it looked no one had lived there for years. The full moon in the background failed to help make the house any more appealing. Matt ran into the tall grass, as fast as his legs could carry him. Matt tripped and fell.

“Owww! Guys, please help me: I fell into some huge hole; I think I may have broken my leg!”

“Matt hold on I am coming!” Zack screamed. This is exactly why I said that we should not come here.

Brian made no effort to move because he could see something standing in the window watching them. It almost looked as if it were not human. He tried to speak, but he lost the words before they could say them.
“Wow, Matt, you weren’t kidding when you fell into a large hole.” Zack said
“Yeah, and I also wasn’t kidding when I said I broke my leg, now get me out of this hole!”
“Alright hold on. Brian get over here I need your help. “Brian?”
At that moment, Zack saw what kept Brian from rushing to help Matt. Zack immediately turned and started to run. Both he and Brian began to run.
“Guys, where are you going? I need help!” Matt yelled
“Gu… Oh my God!”
Mr. Burgundy stood over Matt, who was now cowering in the hole. Mr. Burgundy did not say anything, he just looked at Matt smiled and walk away. He returned holding a shovel and began filling in the hole.
“NO! STOP! Please I will do anything.”
As Matt was slowly being buried Zack and Brian were already driving off as fast as they could.
“Wh… What was that thing?” Zack asked
“Brian? Brian, answer me!”
“I do not know, but what ever it was did not look happy!” Brian yelled
“We have to go back for him.”
“Are you kidding me? You saw what that thing looked like!”
“Brian we have to, he is our best friend!”
“Our best friend would not have gotten us into this kind of situation. We both told him it was a bad idea! He can be buried in that hole for all I care!”
Zack reached over and grabbed a hold of the wheel. Brian completely lost control of his Jeep and then the Jeep started to flip. It rolled eight times, metal ripping apart into pieces like a bad paper being ripped apart by a mean teacher. By the time the car stopped rolling, both boys were unconscious and were injured badly.
When the boys awoke they found that they were in a strange room. There were no windows and the only light was from a small lamp in the center of the room. The door flew open and Mr. Burgundy walked in.

Brian woke up screaming. What? Was it all just a dream? His question was soon answered when he noticed he was in a hospital room. Both of his legs were in casts in had cuts and bruises all up and down his arms, and all over his body. A nursed walked into the room.

“Oh good, you’re awake.” The nurse said with a smile

“Where is Zack?”

“Zack? You were the only one that was found at the scene of the accident.”

“No, that is impossible, Zack is the reason that I wrecked. He grabbed a hold of the wheel.”

“Ok hold on I am going to go make a call. If what you are telling me is true, we might have a serious problem.” The nursed said worriedly. “Oh, and by the way you have a visitor.”


“I think it was Mr… uh well I know it was some sort of color.”


“Yea that is it. He said it was very important that he talked to you.”

“Do not let him in here! He will try to kill me, like he did to Matt.”

“Ok, you really must have hit your head pretty hard during that wreck because he seems like a sweet old man.”

Just then Mr. Burgundy walked into the room, and the nurse left to go see if she could figure out what happened to Zack. Mr. Burgundy waited until she was well away from the room before he began to speak.

“I would not be too worried about your friends Brian. Honestly I think you should just worry about yourself.”

“Please, I will not tell anyone, just let me live.”

“I know you will not tell anyone, but mark my words if you do tell, well, I just hope you can sleep with one eye open,” Mr. Burgundy said with a smile. He then walked out of the room, and Brian fainted from what he had just heard.

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