Runaway | Teen Ink


December 14, 2012
By Jillian Brown BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
Jillian Brown BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have been running for as long as I remember, 1 week ago
I can’t slow down or this dreadful memory will catch up with me
As I bend down to catch my breath I start feeling something sticky and slimy in my shoe, it’s the puss running through my socks from my several days old blisters
I ignore that and continue pushing on through my pain.
Leaving my family and friends behind was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do, but I couldn’t bear to tell them why I was leaving
I know I left them heart-broken and worried without even telling them goodbye
I am a runaway
All I have been doing for the past few weeks with barely any water or food was to dream about my family
I couldn’t possibly think that their love for me was stronger than my love for them, but I can’t loom over missing them to much or I will become home sick
I’m dead beat, and I need to rest to regenerate my energy
So I decide to rest for a few minutes in the middle of nowhere, all I see are hilly grass mounds with the scent of pine trees in the air
It is getting dark and the sun is letting out as much light as it can before it sets for the night
I look up into the sky and it’s almost as if the stars are staring down at me
We hold our gaze for a few minutes until my view is suddenly blocked
There is this darkness that is slowly covering up my vision
Then I can feel my heart beat slowing down and my body getting numb covered with goosebumps
As a breeze passes by, I get a chill for a few minutes
Instead of my body temperature going back to normal, I stay cold as if the warmth was sucked out of me
I think about getting up to warm my body back up but then I realize that it’s not even worth the try
I think I know what’s happening
The darkness is beginning to take over my vision
Now I really know what is happening, it is time for me to leave
I didn’t realize how calm I would be during this cycle of death, but I think I like being this way
I’m okay about what’s happening
I am not happy or sad, but my heart is filled with emotions
The darkness is overpowering me each time I struggle to stay awake
Now a few more minutes have passed and the darkness is only allowing me to see a sliver of the sky and stars
I don’t think I am going to fight it anymore
I guess this is the last thing I will see before I leave
As the darkness barely lets me see anymore of the sky, my eyes start to well up with tears
I started to talk to myself in my mind, sorry that I couldn’t tell my family why I left, and I hope they will forgive me and understand one day
It seems so beautiful and peaceful way up in the sky that I am ready to join it
But before my last final breath is whisked away from me, I wonder how my family will know where I am and why I ran away?
But now that I am leaving, I guess I am the only one that can know why I ran away
I was running away, not just from someone trying to hurt me, but I was running away from something that was even more important – My Past

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