When They Come | Teen Ink

When They Come

December 3, 2012
By Awesome99 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Awesome99 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a bright October morning with the cream colored clouds slightly covering the sun. There was not a sound or animal in sight as the wind blew and carried the smell of death and rotting flesh. The streets were abandoned with the occasional flipped car or decaying bodies. The colorful leaves rustled in the wind. Walking down the street that was once Crow Ave. was 14 –year- old Lily, despite what happened, her short brown hair was still shinning in the sun. Next to her was her best friend Rachelll or Ray, who was 13, her long brown hair was pulled up in a high pony and her bright blue eyes shinning with tears as she thinks of her family. Both girls not knowing what lays ahead keep traveling down the abandoned street hoping for the best.

As the sun starts to set the girls set up camp in an empty house.

“Lily”Rachell asks


Do you think we will survive” Rachell asked her friend with hopeful eyes. Lily hesitates for a moment before replying.

“I promise you as long as we have each other were fine”. Rachell seeming satisfied with the answer nodded and laid down.

“Night” spoke Rachell

“Good night” replied Lily
When rachell was fast asleep Lily took out here diary and wrote


It has been a month since this has happened since thy have came. The uhgg I can’t even say the word. The ZOMBIES. Today Ray asked me if we are going to survive; it pained me to see the look on my best friend, almost sister’s face. I’m really not sure what is to come, or if we can make, it but I’m determined.



When she was done writing she put her diary in her bag and laid down for a nights rest.

“Lily, Lily” Rachell whisper-yelled to her best friends Lily stirred in her sleep
“What” she asked Ray

“Some zombies got in here”

“How many”

“About 5”

“Alright grab your knife and gun and let’s go”

As the two girls grabbed there guns and knifes they started to creep down stairs

Ray and me got to the bottom of the steps and saw nothing. Then I heard some banging in the kitchen.

“Did you here that” I asked Ray

“Yeah” She replied

We slowly crept into the kitchen and turned the light on. There were five zombies with blood stained mouths and skin peeling off their bodies that reeked of sewage, rotten eggs, and puke not to mention death. We pulled out our knifes so we don’t make too much noise and attract more. As Ray got the two on the left I got the two on the right and we both got the one in the middle.

After we finished the floor that used to be white shinny was now covered in a black sticky substance that was the zombies blood. As we started to clean up, I think of my family< My mom, dad, and little brother and sister who were twins. There names were Jakie and Jake they were only five when this happened.

I came home from school one day and saw them dead on the floor there insides hanging out and there necks shred to bits while Jakie was missing a led Jake was missing both arms. There blood spilled all over our blue carpeted floor and the room that once smelled like apples was no over taken with the smell of metal so much that you could almost taste it. As I followed the blood trail I heard moaning and groaning. It was my parents they were zombies and they ate my little brother and sister. Do you know what it’s like to have to kill your own parents to see their blood on the floor.

Tears started to well up in my eyes as the memories came flooding back, the memories I tried so desperately to block away. I then remembered I have to be strong not foe me but for Ray. I am the only thing she has left I thought s I blinked back tears that threatened to spill over.

After me and Lily finish cleaning I head to my room just wanting nothing more than to close my eyes and sleep. AS I go to lay down I cant help but think about what had all happened how my family is gone and it’s all my falught.

It was about a month ago, I had came home from school one day and saw my dad eating my mom so I screamed a normal reaction to seeing that. Luckly my brother who was 16 at the time came in and saw, He killed our dad. He was with us for about 2 weeks before it happened. We were in Ohio at the time and there was a big swarm of zombies,He risked his life for us. One was about to bight me when he jumped in front of me and got bit, That night we had to kill him, I had to kill him.I took the the gun and whispered “I love you big brother”. H then started to change so I took the gun and shot him in the head.

As the memory came back I started to cry, I hate to cry I feel like I am giving Lily to much responsibility having always to have to see me cry while she is so strong and seems to never cry. I wish I were more like her. With that I slowly slipped into a deep sleep.

Lily was down stairs for almost an hour just thinking of what there next move is. She soon grew tired and fell asleep on the couch. Both girls being to tierd forget to lock the door.

Lily woke up to an earpersing scream but not just any scream Rat’s scream. She grabbed here gun and ran upstairs taking 3 at a time, but she was to late the sight she saw before her was to gruesome for words. There Lily saw here best friend getting ripped to shreads by zombies. As silent tears ran down her face she pulled here gun up and shot the 2 zombies in the head, he then walked over to her firend and for the ffirst time in a long time cried. All she could think about is how she let this happen, I was supposed to protect her and I failed her she thoughtas she cried she heard Ray gasp

“You will always’ be my sister” spoke Ray

“Goodbye don’t forget me I shall watch over you was the last words ray spoke before here eyes shut and her body went limp.

Lily picked up here best friend and carried her to the back yard not even carring if any zombies were around all she could think about was Ray.She grabbed an old rustty shovel and stated digging. Once the hole was big enough she set here best friend down gently she then filled the hole and grabbed a rock and carved

Rachell Snow


13 years old

She stuck the rock on the grave then picked some flowers and gently layed them down on top

She then burst out in tears. Overwhelmed with sadness and regret she ran and ran and never stop ending up at an unfamiliar road. She then continued her journey alone not knowing what lays ahead but hoping for the best.


Both girls Lily and Ray shot up with sweat dripping down their face like raindrops. The girls looked at each other and laughed at their silly imaginations. As they rose neither bothered to look out the window. As they opened the neatly painted purple door and went down the carpeted stairs with the smell of vanilla swirling around them. Out the window past the thin lime green curtains and neon blue shades was a zombie roaming around with the flesh peeling down its face but only if the girls had noticed sooner. From the kitchen you heard the most ear shattering screams ever as the girls were tore to pieces by the flesh-eating zombies that were their parents. As the girls took their last breaths their life’s flashed before their eyes. The zombies slowly left and all that was left of them was a bloody pile of flesh and blood and some bones their faces not recognizable. That was the end of Lily and Ray the worlds only chance at survival was dead.

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